Unbound Gravel 2025

I have a friend that’s thrown her hat in for the 100 (will likely get in) and I threw mine in for the 200. I always throw my Military/Veteran’s team into “my story” but who knows if it helps or not.

It will be the Dorms for us. Just a question of if we’re going to do shake down in Minnesota and then drive down or fly into KC.

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I enjoyed the 200. The mud year two years ago was a bit rough at times but made it. This year with the perfect weather and more fun north course was a blast.


Lottery results came in today. I’m in for the 200. This will be #3 for me and first time I’ll be using 2.2 Race Kings!


I’m in for the 200! It’ll be my 4th time starting the 200, and hopefully my 3rd time finishing! (I DNF’d in the mud in 2023.) I’m hoping to improve on my previous results. I’m so stoked to go back this year that I decided to re-up my TR subscription and join the forum. Truly my favorite race of the year.


I had a friend get rejected who was trying to get into the XL.

Any ideas if there’s an XL waitlist, or if he can get on the 200 waitlist?

I’m in for the 100. Just booked my RV site this afternoon.

Of course, I had a wicked crash in a race Sunday and my shoulder is pretty injured. MRI Monday. Praying no surgery - otherwise a late May race could be pushing it.

Didn’t make it in the 100. Will just concentrate on Gravel Locos I guess.

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I didn’t make it in with the lottery today to the 200. I made it in all three of the last years to the 200. I will still get in but it will have to be with a more expensive camp option.

Congrats to everyone who got in. I’m in for the 200, my third time racing. Trained like a mad man last year and hit my goals. Still tbd how serious I’m going to train this year. It’s about time to lay out the plan, so I guess I need to figure it out. After having such a blast at big sugar on my xc mtb last month, I’m seriously considering riding unbound on it.

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I’m in and grateful. Are aerobars allowed? I didn’t see any prohibition in the guide but could have missed it.


Made it in the 50m. I’ve done the 100m the past three years in single speed. Chasing different goals next year. If you didn’t get in or want some great openers. Check out Flint Hills Gravel Ride. It will hit portions of the north course. Or the 2 day stage race La Grind which usually goes south.

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Yep, highly recommend this one. I’ve done it the last 2 years, very fun smaller local race that’s for a great charity. I do a bunch of pre-riding on the Unbound course in the week leading up to the stage race and then race on pretty tired legs. Perfect timing for a last hard push before starting to taper for unbound.

I got into the 100. Looking forward to the opportunity.

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what camp site

I am in. Going to try to push for a podium this year. Little salty about getting 6th last year. Might need to get my ctl off 0


Emporia RV Park. They said they’d probably be booked by end of today (Friday)

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Yep, made it in for my 2nd crack at the 200. My first try was 2023. It wasn’t the first mud that did it, but the 2nd section really didn’t help my time at all.

I’m helping out a friend who’s taking a 1st crack at the 100, and we’ll be in the dorms.

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As of now it’s looking like I’m the only person from my group, so will probably snag a spot in the dorms as soon as they open up.

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No dice for me this year after racing in 2024 on a 2023 deferral.

For those in the 200 Here’s sunrise - Sunset for the 31st.
You have 14h 39 min to beat the sun.
For me that would put me in the top 50% for 55-59 age group. So that’s the target, just be better than half.