Unbound gravel race recap

I did my ramp test 6 days prior.

Tss and .if both use NP for the calculation with a ride that hilly the numbers get skewed. NP and avg power were 70w difference

For a highly variable workout, NP can be much higher than average power , where for a very steady workout, NP and average power are equivalent or very close together. A relatively high NP is showing that the workout had a lot of variation, and was harder physiologically than what average power may reveal.

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I know what np, tss and avg power are and I don’t know why you’re bolding random words. I’m still disputing you did 0.91 IF for 5hrs and 20min, regardless of how variable it was.

For some perspective, ‘Disaster’ is a highly variable TR ride and is 0.79 IF.

To win or be competitive at Paris Roubaix, a pro will be around 0.85 over the same time frame. You went 5% harder, in your first 2.5hr ride in half a year.

Like I said, something is wrong. Ramp test is way low, or your power meter is broken.


Could be difference between in door hammer h2 and quarq power that is only ridden outside?

Last I checked they were within 10w on the trainer 2 months ago

Here’s wed ride. Different bike and power meter vs Saturday

Maybe? I’d start checking things against each other for sure, and maybe do another ramp test with power match… Or do a 8/20min test outside.

If you’re regularly doing over 0.8 IF on rides for multiple hours…you’d know for sure. That’s legit all out race effort, imho, and probably isn’t going to be done in conjunction with other hard training rides within a couple days.

I’ll throw the bikes on the trainer this week and see if power-meters are off.

Most of my outdoor rides have IF of .8 when I went back And looked at the data. I had always functioned within these numbers

“Less than 0.75 recovery rides”… :thinking:

Where did you get this info? 0.75 is the upper limit of Z2 AKA endurance. Recovery rides are typically Z1, or sub 0.55.


That’s from training peaks

Wow, that makes absolutely no sense to me.

Also, IF doesn’t take into account ride duration. So a 4 hour steady Z2 endurance ride can have an IF of 0.7. That is by no means a recovery ride.

Mind = blown

I do need to check my power meters off of each other for consistency as I want 300w to be 300w on all 3 bikes.

But why is trainingpeaks articles saying this?

Nice Kanzo, Sir.

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Thank you sir.

I tried to ride gravel wed But the trails were still frozen over so I hope to get out in the next couple weeks and break her in

My gravel race yesterday (only the 5th outdoor ride I’ve done this year) with an IF of .88 for well over 4hrs.

I’m due for a ramp test so I’m sure my still noob, off the couch gains are beyond the 226FTP from my last test in Jan and skewing the IF stats some.

Max cadence was perhaps a tad optimistic LOL

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Also…New Wheels Day yesterday. Post race pic of the new Spinergy GX wheels. $599 and sub 1500gr with 24mm internal. They took at least a pound off the stock wheels on my Diverge (which are known to be heavy boat anchors). My parts scale broke a couple weeks ago or I’d have an exact number.


Great job. Way to put in work. I’m jelly your already racing.

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That’s awesome you can keep stuff inside the frame. How did you like the tires? What was the final weight of the bike?

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The benefit of living in the Deep South, there is no real off season and if anything everything is inverted like cross season almost. There’s even a 4 race series in Mississippi that goes every two weeks starting the beginning of January through the end of February. Southeast Gravel series (6 events) is mostly spring and then fall starting in 2 weeks. I lived in Virginia just outside of DC for most of my life, so I miss snow occasionally but the ability to train outdoors year round is a pretty awesome trade off…my B group road ride has a 50 degree start time, as in the ride starts when the forecast says it will be 50 or warmer. 9AM. 11AM. Whatever it takes for the softies to stay warm LOL.


Share your TR profile. If you’re doing most of your outdoor rides over .8 IF, your rides are longer than 60-90 minutes and you’re not completely burnt out then your data/power is wrong OR you’re an alien and (as jonathan says) you should be studied by the scientific community so we can all see what you’re doing and become equally powerful.

Sorry, it just doesn’t add up. Since this forum is on a DJ kick, here’s him going over his power data from a top 5 in BWR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ri8mtN5O-0o&ab_channel=DylanJohnson That’s a 0.77 IF in 6 hours, in a legit race that he tapered for as an A event against some of the top guy’s in the country. If he was capable of doing 0.85 in 5hrs, he would have done it and won easily.

Here’s Ted King (dirty kanza aka unbound winner multiple times, iirc) power data from a different BWR. https://youtu.be/3gebox-sdQ0 That’s 280 avg and 340 np for 6hrs, and I believe his FTP is right around 420. That would make the IF 0.81 for that race.

Here’s the winner of Paris-Roubaix from a few years back. 350w NP, 401 TSS and IF of 0.83 in a little under 6hrs. Power Analysis: Mathew Hayman's Victory at Paris-Roubaix | TrainingPeaks

Doing 90% NP of your FTP for 5hrs doesn’t really happen. @Motard you need to do a new ramp test or outside FTP test, you’ve probably seen significant gains.

That thing from training peaks or wherever is bogus. No one recovers at 0.75.


(Obviously running tubeless) I would like the Pathfinder Pros more in 42mm vs these stock 38’s. Personally, I like volume and the slightly lower pressures that come with that. They roll fast on pavement for sure, but the carcass is a bit stiff, so use those cool air pressure gauge stem things you got a while back to dial in your pressures on yours…they’re very sensitive to even 1-2 PSI it seems. A week ago I ran them at 37/40 in the colder and wetter conditions and they felt like rocks at times, yesterday I ran 35/38 and they were much better. Enough side grip when needed in soft or wet dirt and sand, but fast on hard pack and tarmac. I’m going to get a set of 42’s to use as my ‘daily driver’ tires, then get the Rene Herse Hurricane Ride Endurance Plus to use for the 200.

The SWAT storage is such a silly gimmick until you use it. As an ex roadie that wouldn’t have been caught dead with a saddle bag, it’s just awesome and every carbon bike should come with a version of it. I use almost 2/3 of the down tube internal for tools, tubes, etc for a race/longer ride.

With the new wheels it’s right at 20lbs for a size 61…no lights or computer.