Hi There,
A follow up question from my posts from back in April:
This Sunday I completed a B event, which was included within my current AT plan.
Today (Tuesday) my AT training plan gave me a VO2 max productive workout of 6 x 5min @ 108% FTP.
When feeling fresh I would have thought that doable but this morning I was, I guess still not quite recovered from Sunday and it became clear early on that today wasn’t a good day for such a workout. Even the warm up was feeling much harder than anticipated and my HR was elevated even at low work intensities. So, I abandoned the workout. I switched to train now , which gave me a more doable endurance workout.
After this experience it occurred to me that even though races can be scheduled into the plan and a predicted intensity and TSS can be given, AT does not seem to take them into account with the subsequent prescribed workouts.
Could you clarify please?
Despite this on going issue with the effect of unstructured rides not being considered in the AT plan and despite you having at least one competitor who found a solution for this years ago (granted this software is also not without weaknesses) I am still a fan of TR.