This is really a good topic. My wife is 0-supportive eventhough I probably have applied all the tricks and actions above. It’s really de-energizing and exhausting. But I won’t give up. I know I’m contributing well in homework and taking care of the kids. The reality is, whatever you do, it’s never enough. So I just keep-on and do my triathlon training (for 4yrs now). Luckily I’m able to do quite a lot ’invisible’ training. This autumn/ winter TR has helped the situation a lot because I’ve been able to cut long/base rides outside.
May the Force be with all the TR-fellows with unsupportive spouses.
I noticed that there hadn’t been any responses in a while, and I agree with you that because this is a sensitive issue for people dealing with it, it might be better to quietly put it to bed.
I responded because I noticed you are a “Leader,” and I feel that your response to @Bikeguy0 was not in keeping with being excellent to each other.
Had your post come from an untitled user, I’d not have responded at all, and I apologize if I misunderstand what “Leader” means in the context of this forum.
If respectfully explaining one’s opinions is condemned as “doubling down” and “digging a hole” by the “leaders” of this forum, then so be it. The respect I had for the cultural leadership of this forum will be adjusted accordingly.
@julianoliver violated neither (I’ve read the thread). Further, this is from over two months ago and died as it should have; respectful disagreement. Finally, I question what your motive is after all the water has passed under the proverbial bridge.
Respond if you like but there will be no retort.
My OH loves cycling training apps like Zwift, TR etc. Keeps me off real roads which stresses her out. It stresses her out so much that I will choose an indoor ride quite often now even when it’s good weather at the weekend.
She rides too but we’ve both been in accidents resulting in broken bones. Too many bad experiences with aggressive drivers has led to an anxiety developing. I feel it too, I hate thinking about her out alone on the bike.
Hopefully we get to move to a more cycling friendly area soon. I used to be more egotistical about cycling, nothing will stop me hitting the road and all that, but now I’m seeing more the value of things like e-racing and whatever other online games they can develop for fitness. Safe and keeps people healthy and removes anxiety couples have about the road.
Worth remembering, if your partner is anxious about road safety when you’re cycling, it’s likely because you’ve induced that
For those who might wonder what my motive is, let me be clear: though I have opinions on the OP, I responded because I thought @julianoliver was acting as a moderator to silence an unpopular opinion.
If I misinterpreted the label “Leader” to mean “moderator,” then I am wrong, and I apologize for my response.
In this thread I was sharing my personal view on the discussion, not any kind of moderation. I understand now that it’s likely these two things can not be separated and I’ll try to do better in the future. I don’t know why this thread was pulled back from the dead, what I do know is that it’s not making anyone faster on their bike. I suggested that the sub-topic be dropped, but that doesn’t seem to be happening by itself. I’m going to close this thread and suggest people divert their energy into other more productive threads.