Okay, I talked with the team and I’m going to share a roadmap thing with ya’ll. I normally don’t do this because things could change, but you have been waiting long enough.
We think we can do run/swim support after Group Workouts are on our mobile app. Brandon will be the product manager. He’s the guy who did Calendar, outside workouts, Plan Builder and Group Workouts. He’s also an ex-pro triathlete who trained at the Olympic training center so he knows what’s up and you’ll be in good hands.
So you’ll see it go like this: New mobile app release → Group Workouts on mobile → then we’ll start with run/swim support. I don’t have an exact timeline for this though, but we are going as fast as our little fingers can type.
Please keep putting what you’d like in this thread. This will be a good resource for the team to comb through when we start to put details into issues.