Vo2 Max training - did I do it right?

You are probably correct as english isn’t my first language.

Interesting choice of words as for me going 100% is torturing myself for no reason (as I don’t gain any fitness).

I believe her performance went up.

But not her VO2max? And would her performance have improved more if she went harder?

(Obviously I am not impressed convinced by anecdotes and appeals to authority.)

To be honest, I don’t know, I was just trying to provide some discussion and insight in to another perspective on VO2 max intervals that isn’t just “go as hard as you can until you throw up” which is the common one. Sure, if you have a met cart and can perform regular VO2 Max tests then great, but I suspect most people here just have a powermeter and a turbo trainer and measure their performances in races and workouts.

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I don’t think that there are any published VO2max numbers for her (Siren Seiler). I came across a tweet where Stephen published her training plan. In this video he is talking about intensity (among other things) with his daughter.

Stephen promotes 8 min intervals to improve VO2max, they are demanding but not all out.

Btw, her performance improved.

I think the mistake here is assuming anyone is interested in impressing you.

There’s plenty of room for conversation and disagreement here without being as rude as you continue to be.

Can I please appeal to you to engage in discussion with a little more courtesy? Thanks


I have edited my post. Happy now?

Should HR plateau during the course of a vo2 interval? Mine keeps rising throughout.

You’ll never see an absolute plateau, due to cardiac drift. However, if it goes up more than a few bpm over the last couple of minutes despite constant or declining power, then you probably haven’t warmed up enough or your intervals are too short.


So interesting suggest, that I thinking about how to monitor fatigue.
Can you share some example for how to make sure haven’t warmed up enough or your intervals are too short?

My first interval, I try to hard-start at 130%FTP until to 90% MaxHR that keep in 88-93%FTP.
Dose any tip that I can monitor fatigue during every hard-start interval?

Very thank a lot

If you look into the work of Monod & Sherrer you will find the parameter W’. It is useful to determine how far you have depleted your anaerobic capacity. W’ is available as a data field in Garmin iq. More info available here.

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