I like this approach and think I’ll actually try this once I get to SSBLV2. Always felt like 3 days of intensity from TR plan were sub-optimal. I’d rather do 2 solid intervals session and more endurance in between.
and its backed my lots of evidence…gains from a 3rd intensity session are marginal at best and harmful at worst. Chad has even said this on the podcasts, yet the plans don’t reflect it…
Apparently Sweetspot isn’t that stressful and a repeatable workout, so you only really have to juggle the vo2 and threshold workouts…
Every workout is repetable workout - you can block them to introduce new kind of stimulus. It’s only a matter how is your recovery and what is your longterm goal. Smashing vo2, threshold and sst all year long will lead to improvement.
The problem is you will reach the plateau when you need to introduce new stimulus. And when you are limited on volume (time) then you need go longer with intervals or stack them to “surprise” your body.
And SST hard when done the way that you want to extend the curve and you go beyond your TTE. So doing 2x15@sst - you can smash that day by day. Doing 2x40 is way harder but introduces proper stimulus.
Absolutely. UK humour sucks sometimes so apologies for the tongue in cheek comment.
hahaha now that I reread your initial comment I can sense the sarcasm