Wattbike Atom ERG mode problem

This was Taku yesterday trying to get things set up…I expected the yellow power line to be consistent in ERG mode, which is what I had things set up as.

Unsure why this happens? I’ve an atom v2 and it’s perfect on Trainerroad. Really interested as to why this happens for you.

That yellow line doesnt look that bad to be honest - other than that weird instantaneous 100w swing - do you have a longer example?

I can fire up another example today no problem.

This was from Monday using my Wahoo Kickr (soon to be gifted to my son :wink:), they yellow power line is smoooooooooth as glass in ERG mode on that unlike the helter skelter line from my Wattbike, also in ERG mode.

That kickr has ERG mode power smoothing on giving unrealisticly smooth lines

I hate ERG mode power smoothing - it’s the devil


Go into the wahoo app and turn off ERG smoothing and then compare the two.


This is my kickr v5 with smoothing turned off for example - maybe better than your wattbike but not super smooth…


To be honest, it very well could be that I have been using ERG Mode smoothing for 5 years and don’t know how to ride my bike on a trainer :laughing:

if it FEELS different now thats an issue - but visually the graph looks ok.

I did a Rouvy :shushing_face: workout this morning…and it felt proper as far as resistance goes. I’ll do a TR workout today at lunch and compare how things went.

Thank you much for the insight :+1:t2:

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If you can try it with a bit more power - it is hard to keep the line smooth so far below 100W IME.

Keeping the cadence up helps too - over 85 for sure.

This. People need to try this experiment:

Stick your trainer in Resistance mode and pedal as smoothly as you can at 200 watts (or whatever) for 5 minutes. Look at that power trace. See the variation.

Now. Is it possible for you to produce a smoother trace? Possibly. Have another go. Any better? Try again. And again. And again.

After half a dozen rounds you’ll reach peak smoothness.

It is physically impossible for you to produce a smoother power trace, and if you can do so in Erg mode it’s a lie, because your legs control the trainer, not the other way round.



The Wattbike is doing what IT is supposed to be doing…the rider, has much to learn!!!

Tunnabora -5

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Keep at it - flat lines are the objective on workouts like that one. I’ve got work to do on the red one.

also spoilt when you have to get off to recover a dropped banana after the warm up!


THAT is flippin’ gold! Well done.

I’m not going to say that I’m extra smooth ( I’ll leave that to John Smith) but I would say the tip that worked for me was trying to keep my cadence very steady. So pick a cadence and stick as closely as you can to that, and I reckon your power should settle down and become smooth.

So as you move through a workout and the blue bars change the resistance, there’s a few seconds as it adapts and then smooths out again.

Maybe that explains why the really short intervals are so difficult to execute. But that said, a really short interval outdoors is pretty difficult too.


Better…slowly figuring things out :grinning:

Certainly, still have room for improvement.

Thank you everything for the insight and suggestions.


Cadence cadence cadence :sunglasses:

I think that I could probably keep my cadence at 91 with my eyes shut. But that has taken a lot of practice.

By the way, have you got cleats? That might help with keeping my cadence constant

I tried reeeeeeeally hard to keep it at 92 :slight_smile:

Yes, SPD-SL. It’s a long winter here in Wisconsin, I’ll get a lot of practice :+1:t2:

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