Weight Lifting (Squats): Flat Sole Shoe vs. Raised Heel

One thing that has not been mentioned is hip mobility/hip joint issues.

I pretty much had to give up my powerlifting ambitions due to a nasty pain in one of my hips. It was caused by low bar powerlifting style squats with a pretty severe hip angle at the bottom. I could deadlift, front squat and high bar squat much heavier weights with zero issues.
Today I use a raised heel when squatting to avoid hip problems.

I have a short torso and long femurs so I think that my proportions force me to bend further at the hip than other people for a deep squat

Concerning the original question:
I‘d say change it up from time to time and do all kinds of squats to have more focus on hamstrings and butt vs. quads. In any case you can’t avoid training either of these muscles when squatting.