Weight loss, ftp and plateau issues

Am I missing something? If he’s completing his workouts well and consistently, then what solution is carbs solving?

It seems to me that he just needs increased volume and and/or structure.


Chronically insufficient carb intake can suppress threshold-and-above level performance independently from training history and above and beyond the low-carb limitations imposed on sub-threshold level efforts.

TLDR: Chronically not enough carbs = poor 8min test results.

His 8min test results might benefit from more volume too, but only if carb intake increases concomitantly to volume increases.

Interesting approach. If someone isn’t doing much structured training then carb intake would be the least of their worries when trying to build fitness

I did not review any training plan report other than this report:

Could you screenshot one?

See my first comment in the thread explaining my thinking:

The OP made his calendar public earlier in the thread. Should give you even more detail than a screenshot. That calendar view is the information that myself and others have been using to give advice.

Both! This is the first year my consistency hasn’t hit the skids as I hit Build. :slight_smile:

Awesome. Keep up the good work :muscle:

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Could you link to it or tell me briefly how to access? I can’t find it.

if you are looking for someone’s public calendar, the URL format is:

- TrainerRoad

and replace USERNAME with “ibcoleman” or “vibes” or …

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Thank you! Checking it out now!

Okay, I’m on the same page now. Thank you @bbarrera for the calendar URL instructions.

After further comprehensive review, my statements stand and I’d love to hear from @vibes about total carb intake daily, especially on training days.

Fitness, especially as tested by an 8min power test is hugely dependent on sufficient carb intake and with a recent major switch in the diet, increased fiber intake, and 23kg body mass loss, it’s entirely plausible that insufficient carbohydrates are being consumed to allow any power improvement in the sub-10min range.

It’s also possible that he’s getting enough carbs and that his meager improvement in 8min power is exclusively training related.

In either case, I think all your training advice has been excellent.

@vibes, if you’d like to tell me to get lost and drop the quantitative macro breakout request, I will happily do so, as I don’t mean to invade your privacy and certainly offer you nothing but praise for your consistent work on your body weight. I too have cut weight down from 242 to about 210 pounds and plan to eventually lose another 10.

Thanks for taking and interest and I’m keen to explore this…Can you clarify something - when you suggest more carbs what exactly do you refer too? I eat lots of green whole vegetables everyday which I believe are carbs but avoid man made carbs like bread and pasta (except brown rice spaghetti or whole grain) as it frankly makes me fat! I eat brown rice and grains like quinoa etc…also how do I get the macronutrient breakdown you suggest plse?.

Happy for your support and insight

There really is no evidence that this is the case. They are completing the workouts consistently. Definitely not “Chronically insufficient…” anyway.

Sounds like more stimulus at and above LT2 is required to me. Build plan should do it, either that or more training time and better/more recovery.

Carb source examples: whole grain breads, cereals, intra-workout sugar, potatoes, rice, quinoa, pasta, fruit, low-fat dairy, legumes.

Green veggies tend to be very hard to get many net carbs from. Net carbs = total carbs minus grams of fiber. Fiber is essentially non-caloric. It is not a useful carbohydrate for fueling or providing energy. (body doesn’t break it down and metabolize it). Fiber is great for gut and CV health and probably other things, so don’t take this as a “limit your fiber” statement. Just saying that you’ll probably need to additionally eat more low-fiber carbs to meet daily carbohydrate needs especially on training days, but probably all the time.

Tracking in an app like MyFitnessPal or just summing up net carbs, protein, and fat, from the labels of all the foods you eat daily, or from Google + honest estimation is my typical method for a quick dietary recall for macronutrient breakout.

Yes, probably!

The fact that he has not been doing much work at that level or above means that he could also quite easily have perfect workout adherence and execution with insufficient carbs for maximizing power performance over shorter time courses. I’m not saying that’s the case. Just saying that it ought to be ruled out because it is at least common enough to check for, among health conscious, high-fiber-diet-reporting folks who also report recent weight loss and consumption of substantial sources of healthy fats. If fats are making up a large portion of the diet and sustained and substantial weight loss has occurred, it certainly points to a generally lower-carb higher-fat (LCHF) diet approach.

LCHF approaches tend to support fitness in base phases reasonably well. Not perfectly optimal, but not the worst. They most commonly fall apart as soon as supra-threshold power outputs are called upon.

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Okay so I’ve been using my fitness pal so I’ll document a week or so… do you have an email address plse?

Could it be shared on forum? Or looking for more confidentiality?