Why would this be any different than the existing Sweet Spot Progression or Threshold Progression threads?
So if you want, go ahead and start a new thread, but I think you would need to be more prescriptive than “Better Base” thread to get the wisdom of crowds for what you are looking for. For example: For some people, base might mean something like traditional base. So if that isn’t your jam, then people recommending lots of Z2 wouldn’t be helpful.
Also, what would be good for you for base, might not be good for me, and vice versa. Right now, my coach has me doing the following for base:
- Monday: rest
- Tuesday: Recovery ride 1:30
- Wednesday: 3x30 @ 80% with 5 min rest between intervals
- Thursday: same as Wednesday
- Friday: rest
- Saturday & Sunday: 3 hour endurance rides
Ends up being 12 hours of scheduled rides.
We are doing a 3 week block of the above, and the a rest / recovery / test week. So a 4 week block.
The next 4 week block will look vaguely similar, but the long Tempo intervals will be replaced with Sweet Spot intervals. With the interval length being determined by how the testing goes, and what that means for an updated FTP. “Big” jump in FTP will mean relatively shorter Sweet Spot intervals to start. “Smaller” or no change in FTP will mean relatively longer Sweet Spot intervals to start.