What is happening with the forum?

Overall I’ve gotten a lot of help and good answers on this forum. I’m hoping once the TR vs Dylan stuff passes things will revert back to normal, but if it doesn’t, there may need to be some segmentation of the forums.

For example:

  • A new to TR “Help” section of the forum -which focuses on the basics of people new to TR. We know there will be a lot of repeated questions, but the goal would be to point them to the right TR resource or at least give them basic help. I don’t think this section should be open to non-subscribers and it may be on TR to hire admins to support this part and strictly moderate this section instead of relying on us random internet yahoos. My thought would be more along the lines of the Build a PC reddit where there’s guidance and help and the understanding that because you’ve build a data center, someone else is new to this and just getting into it.

  • A not so new to TR/Plan progression section - Targeted to some of us who have gone down the rabbit hole of structures training and want to talk different methodologies and science articles. I still think this section should be restricted to people who subscribe to TR. I understand that a lot of people like the platform but not the plans and that’s valid and that differing opinions and approaches can help. There just seem to be a lot of people who joined the boards just to crap on TR (at least recently) that don’t have any skin in the game and may not even have used TR. If it’s open to everyone it should have some admins or mods to keep things on track.

  • Open - Open to anyone to join and discuss. Light monitoring of threads, argue about polarized vs. Sweet Spot until the end of time.


It’s not just you, and it’s very disappointing.

I like this forum primarily because it has been until now unlike any other forum I’ve been a member of over the last twenty years. Constructive, in a word.

Unfortunately those who learned their bad etiquette elsewhere have decided to bring it here, so new users who join and ask legitimate questions are being flooded with bad advice from the self-righteous drowning out legitimate advice.

Let’s hope it passes and we can weather the storm. Maybe some of them will learn to appreciate the different tone we have here.


kinda agree…i mean how is the Dylan thread still going? There are some people who love to beat a dead horse…


I agree on the Dylan thread (even though I would love to see both Masters AND Polarized plans), but I’ve just ignored it. Are people seeing poor/combative behavior in other threads too? Other than the occasional political post that pops up as social matters happen, I haven’t noticed it in the day to day posting.

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I also agree to a certain extent, but i think it’s been done now. We should all just wait to see what TR have to say on the 25th (might have nothing to do with the post, but they must have an exciting announcement)

Now this is me personally…but there are far too many “My Ramp test sucked / I have a question about my Ramp & low FTP” post - But I think thats due to an ego thing and everyone wanting a massive FTP and not allowing it to be a number to guide their training.

Are people seeing poor/combative behavior in other threads too?

Very rarely, I have seen it in other threads too though.

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I totally agree with this take. It’s becoming more divisive with people just taking sides and anchoring themselves in their view without even the possibility to change their views or even hearing the other side.


I think this is a good point. I spent a lot of time on ST in the past and left awhile ago due to the tone of that forum. I know that I have had to hold back on some initial snark on some responses…bad habits die hard. I’m sure I probably failed to catch it at times too.

But I’ll take this place any day of the week over ST and other forums…


My perception is that there are some threads full of MAMIL zealots who act like they’re pro because they won their local Cat 3 crit. I’ve just muted those threads because it’s toxic. Riding bikes should be fun, reading a bunch of egos argue is so :roll_eyes:


We need somewhere to go because


This :point_up:. Also, we are all part of the community forum and we all should probably do a better job of flagging posts that are “off topic”, “inappropriate”, “need staff attention”, etc. If we keep engaging the known people on the forum then the cycle constantly repeats itself. Give :+1: for good posts that benefit the community, regardless of the source and ignore the others that don’t.

Outside of the DJ video, where there was lots of venting, defending and outright stupidity, the forum has been great. I’ve learned a ton from users on the forum and I just skip past the posts from the regular knowitalls.


Great post here @MI-XC , as well as several others above. Some good thoughts and considerations IMO.


The shame of it too is that the members who are guilty of this contest of one upsmanship are probably the most knowledgeable on the forum and could really be great mentors for lots of us if they just had a different attitude


I have been thinking lately about many of the observations made in this topic. I had chalked up a gradual shift in the forum to a lack of events, almost no racing and the off season for new bike/tech releases. I for one have fatigue with some topics, particularly those debating approaches to training.


I really hadn’t noticed this.
Most of my questions concern equipment, and I find that even if my question has been asked before, people are very generous with their knowledge and I usually come away with what I was looking for.


I fear there is almost no way to calm down all this dogma, bash and criticism with one special podcast.

As much as the video is being taken apart second after second the podcast might be, too.
I do not see how anybody can answer positively to all these (even contradicting) expectations, which are vastly exaggerated for a product starting at 99$/year.


Agreed but even too much so potentially - I seem to remember we all are interested in riding bikes and getting faster…

But isn’t that the key message? I mean there is no best training principle, best plan, and best volume. Wether it’s POL, SS, or PYR it eventually doesn’t even matter.


True, but I have the distinct feeling reading many/most of recent suggestions how to train actually to be claiming that this, only this way is right to do workouts, all other ways being wrong.


I keep it as Obi-Wan Kenobi: Only a (…) deals in absolutes. I will do what I must. :sweat_smile::wink:


Way too many people sitting around debating things that really aren’t relevant. Endless discussion of which test protocol is useless. TR has a plan. It works. If you don’t like the TR training system, why are you here?