What workout did you do today? (2020, part 2)

That was tiring, but the legs keep turning over.
Didn’t help that I still had ERG turned up by 20% when the 120% interval started - thought it felt hard!


I took Beacon outside on the road bike (the TT bike is on the trainer). It is supposed to be a zone 4 session I believe but in the gusty conditions I decided to keep it zone 3 and safe.
Too many downs, folk walking their horses and traffic holding me up so at times I didn’t even do that :roll_eyes:
Given that I didn’t feel spent once the 6 intervals were done and I opted for a few more location/distance intervals.

Annoyingly back in town I seemed to get caught at every junction/ traffic light :neutral_face:


Good times, geared up for 36F / 2C ride start and didn’t make it very far.


Palisade. continues to be a really hard one for me



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Rafferty @ 110%. 3:45 of crossing back and forth between high endurance and low tempo. Tried to put in a hard effort at the end just for kicks, but my legs were crispy. Took on about 72g carbs / hour as it was a decent caloric burn!


Had different plans but thanks to @4ibanez and my ego I simply had to do 1x120@90%. And I have done. Honestly it was not so different than 1x90. And decoupling was 1% so quite ok. Now it is beer time.


Nicely done :beers:
I’m taking on some ‘liquid carbs’ and pizza myself tonight, purely for recovery of course! :smiley:


Damn, that sucks!

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Recovery meals are the most important meals of the day.

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2.5hr@157hr = respect :+1:

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3 fans + 3l of liquids :slight_smile:

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You should go anyway. New stimulus for the rides :wink:
But I am curious what went wrong.

rookie mechanics? After breaking one of the stock 2015 brake/shifter lever, I upgraded to the latest 105 ST-R7020 shifter/levers. Its officially compatible with the 785 post-mounted brake caliper.

So I don’t know why there is so much travel, even after going back to the shop. At least everything works now. The good news is my 3 hour ride was this afternoon when it was 61F/16C :grin: instead of 36F/2C :cold_face:


Galena, Well that didn’t go very well. My legs just quit on the 3rd interval. Lots of backpedalling to get through. Maybe I shouldn’t have spent yesterday handsawing hard maple for a Xmas project I’m working on. Next is rest week. Time for me to institute the Senior 3 wks work/1 wk rest paradigm.


There is week 2 of sweetspot base high volume with even more volume.

Legs are actually mostly okay. I felt the fatigue today, but tomorrow is a rest day. Next week will be the final week of block 1. Then rest and retest. Feeling motivated as hell atm


Tunemah 3x12min Under/Overs yesterday. I debated between going outside vs trainer inside since it was between -1C and 1C outside, but had a suitable route in mind, so outside won out. First two set on relatively flat road, last set on a hill, ended with 30min of what was supposed to be just Z2, but ended up just being fun. Under/Over target was 315/350, was feeling good, so the overs were closer to 360.


They say consistency is key and I’m very consistent about completely blowing the weekend before recovery week, so I guess I’m doing it right, right? RIGHT?!

(This fail brought to you by Junction -1.)


That is a brutal workout, no doubt!

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Big day in to round off a 15 hour week. 14,200kj, 879 TSS plus 2 strength sessions. Now for the recovery week! Custom TBHV2 & 3 done - all indoors!