That was tiring, but the legs keep turning over.
Didn’t help that I still had ERG turned up by 20% when the 120% interval started - thought it felt hard!
I took Beacon outside on the road bike (the TT bike is on the trainer). It is supposed to be a zone 4 session I believe but in the gusty conditions I decided to keep it zone 3 and safe.
Too many downs, folk walking their horses and traffic holding me up so at times I didn’t even do that
Given that I didn’t feel spent once the 6 intervals were done and I opted for a few more location/distance intervals.
Annoyingly back in town I seemed to get caught at every junction/ traffic light
Rafferty @ 110%. 3:45 of crossing back and forth between high endurance and low tempo. Tried to put in a hard effort at the end just for kicks, but my legs were crispy. Took on about 72g carbs / hour as it was a decent caloric burn!
Had different plans but thanks to @4ibanez and my ego I simply had to do 1x120@90%. And I have done. Honestly it was not so different than 1x90. And decoupling was 1% so quite ok. Now it is beer time.
Nicely done
I’m taking on some ‘liquid carbs’ and pizza myself tonight, purely for recovery of course!
Damn, that sucks!
Recovery meals are the most important meals of the day.
2.5hr@157hr = respect
3 fans + 3l of liquids
You should go anyway. New stimulus for the rides
But I am curious what went wrong.
rookie mechanics? After breaking one of the stock 2015 brake/shifter lever, I upgraded to the latest 105 ST-R7020 shifter/levers. Its officially compatible with the 785 post-mounted brake caliper.
So I don’t know why there is so much travel, even after going back to the shop. At least everything works now. The good news is my 3 hour ride was this afternoon when it was 61F/16C instead of 36F/2C
Galena, Well that didn’t go very well. My legs just quit on the 3rd interval. Lots of backpedalling to get through. Maybe I shouldn’t have spent yesterday handsawing hard maple for a Xmas project I’m working on. Next is rest week. Time for me to institute the Senior 3 wks work/1 wk rest paradigm.
There is week 2 of sweetspot base high volume with even more volume.
Legs are actually mostly okay. I felt the fatigue today, but tomorrow is a rest day. Next week will be the final week of block 1. Then rest and retest. Feeling motivated as hell atm
Tunemah 3x12min Under/Overs yesterday. I debated between going outside vs trainer inside since it was between -1C and 1C outside, but had a suitable route in mind, so outside won out. First two set on relatively flat road, last set on a hill, ended with 30min of what was supposed to be just Z2, but ended up just being fun. Under/Over target was 315/350, was feeling good, so the overs were closer to 360.
They say consistency is key and I’m very consistent about completely blowing the weekend before recovery week, so I guess I’m doing it right, right? RIGHT?!
(This fail brought to you by Junction -1.)
That is a brutal workout, no doubt!