Tried 2 x 20 minute threshold intervals at 102 - 104% FTP, not a surprise I didn’t make it but it is okay to find your breaking point every now and then. You never know unless you try.
Was too early in the day really. Strangely enjoyed it on reflection and the result wasn’t that bad, got some decent work in i.e Threashold TiZ40 as I put and extra 2.5 minutes in at the end to make up for the breaks in the second interval (but the interval with breaks still averaged 100% ftp, main issue was some muscles in my right leg stop firing, it was weird, left leg was okay)
Had a long run on the calendar today, wasn’t going to happen though due to life reasons. So I decided to give my first Baxter a go. Had to cut it short when my son woke up from nap but still got some decent work in. Kinda unsure how I feel about this one, interesting structure. Good cadence practice though.
On the calendar was Mokelumne (who comes up with these names?), hour ride of 44 TSS and 0.66 IF. After a craptastic day with work and just being annoyed in general, I had to get some stress relief. An hour and a half ride outside later with 104 TSS and 0.85IF…
2H Sweet-spot with 5s 200% bursts every 2 minutes TiZ50, 5x 10 minutes
Hate these sessions, the spike really mess me up, hard session after 2x 20minute over threshold yesterday. Not recovered well but was amazed how well that session when, the drop out in the last interval was power meter / Kickr issue not me, although I had decided I wouldn’t do the bursts in the last interval.
I tried really hard but just could not hit or hold sprint power targets. Bike starts to wobble and the power drops and then the 15 seconds are done. It’s frustrating because the VO2 part was fine. Makes me wonder if I just can’t sprint well.
On short intervals NP is often below AP, because the input to the NP calc is 30-sec rolling average power (per Coggan). So for the first 30 seconds of the work interval, that rolling average is still working its way up from the pre-interval power to the target level. This can drag the NP for interval down below the simple average of power readings within the interval itself. For that reason NP isn’t all that meaningful for intervals shorter than 5-10 minutes.
After first two intervals I know I could push through with willpower and empty everything and end up in a big fatigue hole. So cut it down to 95% for next two following chads notes.
Come the third I’d had enough of the pain. One thing that was screwing with my head was the erratic length of the vo2max peaks and length of ‘rest’, didn’t like the variability off it all and having to think more, look up expecting 15 seconds and seeing its 25. If they are set lengths I can count pedal strokes, know how long the pain will last…
Anyway I believe I’d done enough after the hour in a 26’c hot and humid garage and will enjoy the day off tomorrow…Wish my legs would recover faster, really noticing how much longer it takes now I’ve hit the half century.
Second session on calorie restriction. Don’t think it was much harder than when I’m jacked up on sugar, but time will tell as I progress through the plan. Hopefully I’ll start ditching the ‘onboard fuel’ as weeks go by.
I now pay more attention to calories burned than anything else
900 to enjoy today woo woo!
Starr King + a little Z2. Temps up to 27°C once again, made 100% feel like supra-threshold, but I battled on through. First interval was the hardest as per usual.
I need to get back to some 3 x 20s, but the heat is a bit much at the moment.
I feel you…recently there was little bit colder here (around 20°C) and I was flying, 3x20 was a pleasure, heart was happy and not even one drop of sweat was shed, with 27°C FTP feels exactly like suprathreshold. Now we have week of 30°C and this will be probably my first real recovery Z2 week since March.
Small steps forward. Last week I couldn’t even do the last two intervals. This week, I did them all but had to reduce by 5% on the last two. This allowed me to continue controlled breathing (rather than ramp test panting) and also maintain the higher heart rate while completing all intervals. That’s a win in my book considering these are the efforts I am worst at. Missing the sweet spot intervals from days passed.