I’ll eventually make it up, but skipped Leconte & petit last week and started recovery week by taking 2 days off the bike. SSB2MV + + some extra aerobic work + extra week of festive 500 riding had me pretty cooked and I didn’t see the need to keep digging homes. Still averaged 9.75 hours over 6 weeks.
Petit yesterday and Fletcher today. Recovery week how I love thee.
Pettit outside at the start of a recovery week. I know it’s a bit odd, but I’m really starting to enjoy this as an outside workout in the 90m version. Just focus on constant pressure on the pedals, good positioning on the bike (and today managing carbon wheels in a 35kph crosswind). Very therapeutic.
Not a ride but had to adjust my routine to take my daughter to swim practice. New route, in the dark, few street lights, and colder than I’ve run outside in recent memory so overall I’m pleased. Back to the bike tomorrow for some VO2 penance.
Jepson. A little jaded after bumping up Bluebell yesterday and having to move Pettit until tomorrow, but got through OK. Better, I expect, than that Carpathian Peak nonsense I’ve got coming on Thursday.
My workout today was Baird +6, after a bump in FTP last week. I am on week 2 of sustained power build (mid volume). FTP is currently 246, so the intervals at 120% comes out at 295,2 watts.
When I checked the workout beforehand it said I was to do 295, as shown above, but when I loaded the workout it had the intervals at 300 watts. As you can see in the image below I had not altered the workout intensity, it just happened by itself.
Do anyone know why this happened? TR just rounding upwards to a nice and round number? I was able to complete the intervals without much issue, so no complaint from me at all. Just wondering what happened.
EDIT: I am an idiot, and therefore loaded next weeks Tuesday-workout today, that is why the intervals was at 300.
Technically I “failed” this one. Of the three sets of intervals, I did Set 1 as prescribed. For Set 2, I kept intensity at 100% but with a little extra recovery during the 10-min valleys.
For Set 3, I dropped the intensity to 98% with no extra recovery (ok, except the second to last valley of the set).
What’s the consensus on these V02max intervals? Better to take a backpedal or lower the intensity?
You need to bring the intensity (up or down) so the last rep of each set really feels like the last one you could do. Better to reduce (or increase) the intensity than increase (or reduce) the recoveries.
120% x FTP is an approximation of the power level for VO2Max workouts. As the instructions in most of these workouts indicate, you should feel free to dial it up or down as needed to get to the just-able-to-make-it point.
I usually do the same for sustained threshold workouts. I know they’re my Achilles heel. I have generally started them at 98% and then seen where I end up.
More recently, I’ve pulled 3-4% off my ramp test FTP and done all workouts at that number (last ramp test 281, manually adjusted to 270) with the exception of doing the VO2 max workouts at 100%, and that seems to work well. With a CX background, I find the VO2 stuff relatively straightforward, at least compared to the 10 min plus interval stuff.
I added a new fan and had it pointed in my face, whether psychological or not it seemed to make things 10x easier doing my calendar workout tonight, Taylor-2. The two minute warm down seemed a little short so I extended it by five minutes.
I don’t know how I managed 6 minute intervals last week in Red Lake. The 5 minute intervals here felt like my limit. I hope I am not losing fitness for real.