What workout did you do today? (2024)

This month I’m gradually incrementing the interval durations & decrementing the rest durations in the 3× format to see when I’ll crack. And in the meantime getting some really good TIZ I think.

A bit of a jump between Tray Mountain +1 (8.2) done last week & Atitlan (9.0) which I intend to do (attempt) next week, didn’t find much in between, so today was a custom workout splitting the difference: 3×28’ @ 89% with 4’ recoveries. As such I thought it should be L8.6 but workout creator pegged it at 8. All good. I just told TR to exclude this one from PLs.

Last interval was definitely a struggle. I’m getting close.


That’s a tasty session.

Funny how the brain works, especially for me.

I’d struggle with 60/70 minutes TiZ in a SST session.

Yesterday did a Zwift group ride and did 90 minutes straight 89%. Not much variation (1.03 variability)


Agreed! Have you used the Robopacers for any of your SST sessions? In addition to a straight-shot like your ride yesterday, you can also teleport to the Robopacer, drop off during the rest interval, then teleport again for the next.

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That’s essentially my use of Zwift. Robopacers and races/group rides. I like BMTR - the one I did yesterday by the way. BTMR faster masters. 90min +/- 4w/kg


Ouch! Well done on the ride! :muscle:

A lot of it really is in the head, hey? I’ve had a similar thing happen in training at the “crit” circuit, when someone jumps on my tail it becomes more fun, & reduces RPE with respect to power output. But if someone stuck to my tail like a barnacle in a race I might not be so enthusiastic. :laughing:

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Heal quickly and fully👍

So this story starts yesterday. Decided I was probably good for threshold, given I’d had two fairly easy days after Friday’s 225km 9h 295TSS treasure hunt & RLGL said I was in the clear, even on the moderate setting. But a bit of help wouldn’t go astray. So I made myself a double-shot coffee from the granulated stuff in as little water as possible, because frankly I hate the smell & the taste of coffee & I want it to go down the gullet as quickly as possible, & I always chase it very shortly after with an apple juice or something else of strong flavor. (I was turned off coffee from a young age from a few too many visits on road trips to roadhouses that stank of coffee & ham-&-cheese toasted sandwiches, also something I could never stomach even as a teenage meat-a-tarian.) I reflected that this would be the first ride I’d caffeinated that wasn’t a race or other sort of test. Anyway, on the bike to go to the track to do the workout I’d lovingly crafted & named Starr King -0.5, given there was a bit of a jump from the -1 to the 0:

 # of intervalsInterval durationInterval targetRecovery duration
Starr King -1312'100%4'
Starr King -0.5313'30"100%4'30"
Starr King315'100%5'

Just climbing the driveway, I felt that bit of loading up I remembered feeling on the steeper, longer driveway at my last house when not fully recovered. Uh oh… I was in trouble. I willed it away thinking, I’ve got coffee in my system, it’ll be alright. Well, the legs loaded up a little too much in the very short sweetspot interval in the warmup. So I thought no, this is very bad news. Canned the workout, headed home, called the rest of the day easy, & hoped that the little bit of stress I’d induced with the warmup would not derail my attempt at it the next day.

Well that night I was looking through the cupboard, stumbled across the coffee jar & noticed something very bad indeed:

Bl¤¤dy decaf, it’s the devil-spawn’s dream: all the bad stuff of coffee & none of the good. I had a bit of a tanty over my failure to check the label at the shop & I promised myself to toss it out. That also explained why I was a bit tired later that day.

This morning I nicked some of my housemate’s coffee which does indeed contain the performance-enhancing drug of choice. Headed out again.

First interval was hard but got it done. Second interval I knew I could get close but was in trouble for the third, which, well I was never really in the hunt. Still threshold, but a few % below target & just could not ride the target power for more than a few seconds. Every time I looked up the road & then back at my computer I saw I’d dropped off a bit. So resigned myself to finishing this one at about 95-96% & called it all-out.

This is good. I’ve found my limit on threshold. Thinking I’ll go back to shorter intervals & more of them: longer TIZ. Perhaps some over-unders. And limit the really big rides to end-of-block.


That workout isn’t one I’ve done before - looks pretty taxing. Nice work :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

Thanks! You haven’t seen the -0.5 because it’s my own concoction on Workout Creator. The change from 12’ to 15’ intervals felt like a bit of a jump so I made this to split the difference.

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Haha - that’ll explain it then! :joy:
Still super tough to do 3X of those.
I may need to set that as a target for achievement before year end :thinking:

Today is a rest day.
Resting is just as difficult as completing a workout.


4 x 10 minutes at 105% has been touted as a threshold workout of choice by, for example, Hunter Allen. Something like Black Hawk -2.

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Sat a bit too long in my bib longs after work yesterday; too busy pulling information together for my tax return. I had Monitor -1 (SS) tonight and whilst the legs felt great I could feel a sore developing, Despite that I was nearly where I want to be cadence wise until the last 6min block, its a bit low there. Perhaps the sore was a bit too sore there.


A bit of a failure tonight at Warlaw-2 I just couldn’t get a reasonable cadence to power output :-/

After I was finished the AI FTP option came up, I was expecting it to lower my FTP but it still says its spot on :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Perhaps I’ll need to rethink my back to back workout regime and move Wednesday’s back to Tuesday’s commute but that’s not ideal the new commute is a bit more lively on straighter, busier and faster roads, I also have to stress out about the train being on time and not wanting to be too late making noise for my neighbours :thinking:


You did better than I did. :laughing: :sob:

I quit mine this morning because I really didn’t feel like being in the hurt box for just over 1½ hours. Normally, chasing the numbers is enough. Not today. Clicked on Stress/Motivation. Delayed by a second day, after being delayed by a day because I did my Threshold workout a day later. I was going to do another week of intervals, but I think the wheels have fallen off & some nice chill rides next week will do me some good. Definitely found my limit!


Flipping heck - sweetspot PL level 9.0 !!!
Impressive to get to that level dude - that’s a tough ask :muscle:t2::smiley::ok_hand:t2:


Appalachian w/ 3x12 MTI

I’m integrating TR’s Traditional Base (MV, Master’s) with FasCat’s 10-Week Weight Lifting program. I haven’t done a ride this long since a gravel grinder in early June. Had a couple of three-hour rides, but felt really good on the bike, so I’ll take that as a sign that the lifting and low cadence drills are working.


Was going for a 70.3 bike sim on a dual carriageway today, road bike, winter wheels. Got a bit down on the speed and quit at 51 of 90 km - that’s the problem with not racing.

Reviewing that stats it was a pretty good effort feel like I should’ve finished for the power stats rather than the time. Fairly confident my time target on my tri bike would’ve been pleasing


Thursday I did the sweet spot workout on my plan, told TR it was too intense, and it dropped my SS PL 1.0.

Today I did the threshold Workout on my plan, it upped my T PL 0.2.

AIFTP says today I’m up 1.5%. Yay