What's your untrained FTP?

My FTP doesn’t seem to go much lower than 240W at ~ 70Kg when I’ve been off the bike for 6 months. Once back training it will bump up 10-15 Watts every 6-8 weeks for the first few months. Weight will drop to 63-64Kg. 61Kg if I push it for an event where weight is important.

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Just started structured training with TR. After 2-3 years of 4k-5k km a year. The ramp test got me at 202 FTP which is pretty accurate. I mainly race MTB marathon and the peak FTP estimated ( !! ) by Strava was 196. I`m really eager to see the numbers in later spring next year :smiley:

It’s interesting your ftp actually dropped even though you most likely improved your aerobic engine by running a lot.

Probably enabled you to improve faster once you got back into cycling.

*Untrainned ~ 220 (lowest I have ever tested 224w)
Trainned 260 - 290 (290 highest ever before TR)

But even when ‘untrained’ I’ve always done something, weight training, Rowing, Rugby or Running or a combination of the mentioned.

I’ve got y’all beat: 95 FTP @ 145lbs, never trained. (I am a tall woman.)


My first FTP test gave me a result of 345 - was probably more like 325 given what I know now about the Kickr I was using as my power source.

I wasn’t untrained; had been riding for a couple of years with no structure. I was generally considered fast in group rides but wasn’t doing much in racing and certainly wasn’t taking things seriously

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325 with no structured training is massively impressive. Would you mind me asking what your current FTP is after using tr?

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The highest I’ve ever tested at inside gave me a 379 FTP. I’ve had results outside that lead me to believe I have approached 390 in TTs. For what it’s worth I’m fairly big - 6’3" and 170 lbs so my w/kg isn’t off the charts or anything

Most of this season I was around 355-365 when indoor training. Generally my FTP has been fairly static as I’ve tried to train repeatability and more race specific efforts over the past couple of seasons. More or less transitioned from someone who was very good at medium length (20-30 minute) TT efforts into someone who focuses primarily on breakaways in road race events (2-4 hour events).

While I do focus on FTP, I am much more focused on my 5 minute power and my ability to sit at 0.88+ IF for 2-3 hours after a large separation effort

Late 30s, 2 years ago I was riding MTB most Sundays for about 3 years, that was it, FTP 147 on first test.

18 months later on LV plans only I got up to 230W, but due to a house move I’ve been off the training since July so it will be interesting to see where I am now.

This is a tough one for me, since I don’t have a great sense of where I was as a newbie. I started riding in late 2013 and started using TR in late 2014, but by that point I had ridden a century and done my first road race so I wasn’t completely untrained. But my first FTP is set at 207, but I was using a traveltrac fluid trainer and may not have had the right virtual power profile for it and I struggled with consistent readings (I had an FTP set at 323 at one point in 2015 lol). A couple of years back I went from 265 in October to 230 in January after a period of being sick/busy

My highest trained FTP is probably around 295-300, I was able to get there this year but wasn’t able to keep it rolling into CX season. I’m currently at 285 (4w/kg if I lose these lingering 5lbs)

This is my first ever FTP test at 33 years of age with no prior training. Started on TR about 9 mo after I started cycling (cycling apart from BMX riding as a kid). Weight at the time was around 86kg. Untrained w/kg = 3.

For comparion, here’s my last ramp test. Body weight has dropped to 81-82kg (comfortably) and w/kg is at 4. Around a 22-25% increase in raw watts after 2 years of structured training. TrainerRoad works.

TSS over the last 3 years of training (6-12 hrs/week which is the best I can do with a family of 3 kids). Honestly, I’m pretty bad about doing structure from May-September. Very good about it in the winter. If I was more dedicated I think I could likely reach 4.25-4.5 w/kg. I need to add more volume though.


The only “untained” experience I have is when I first started cycling, early in my second year I had a fluid trainer and my FTP based on Zwift Virtual Power (so probably a tad high), was 196w.

It depends on your build etc. Someone who’s bigger is going to have more power generally, than someone smaller.

It kind of depends on what your definition of “untrained” is. Typically if I’m legitimately off the couch, I wouldn’t even bother with any sort of FTP test or structured training. Instead, I prefer to just ride for about three months or so.

That’s what I did in 2017, very little riding in the beginning of the year and then just casual rides around town through the end of October. I ended up taking my first FTP test with about 80 hours YTD in my legs and got a 220 FTP. Right now, after almost two years of consistent structured training I’m at about 277 FTP. So I definitely haven’t had the massive gains that some of you have, but I’m certainly significantly faster.


I think if you are untrained long enough, its as good as never trained. I raced for years, and stopped completely for 9 years. My FTP went from 230 to 90. I’m currently at 188, and have doubts I’ll ever get back to my former. Age is a factor. I’m currently 65.


It would be nice if I was at 195! I am starting at 147w - just did ramp test this past weekend. I was off the bike for a few months after doing about 1,110 miles this past year (May to August) for the first time in 4 or 5 years. Now just need to figure out what a good goal to increase to by June is.

My FTP on 1/19/19 before any structured training but just riding and Strava KOM hunting was ramp tested at 268w. After 12 weeks of TR and then 7 months of riding outside solo, in groups, etc. I ramp tested at 300w.

and you’re at like ~350 or so when you’re in racing shape, yeah?

so there’s hope for me!!

Last December first ftp test on zwift was 180, so that’s about 1.8w/kg

Approaching 300 (trying to work on aerobic, really seems to help me) slightly lower weight. Life on the hills is getting easier

Yah. Highest I’ve been in Reno is 340-345 FTP at 4,500 feet. That’s around 357-362 at sea level.

I was lucky to have a power meter from the very start of my cycling years ago… my first ever power test, completely untrained, was 130w… I ended up getting to around 300w ftp before taking 8 years off cycling.

Now, my ftp floor is around ~220w and will quickly rise to ~260w.