When to wash your bibs/workout clothes

I’ll give anything a try at least once. :slight_smile:

The large bag of baking soda isn’t really doing the trick these days…

My bibs go into a designated laundry basket in the bathroom closet, where they hide and get more and more disgusting until I remember to wash them usually about a week later. I use Arm and Hammer detergent with “Oxy Clean Odor Blasters”.

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Yeah, I do also sometime put through my gear on 30 minute “quick wash” if I need a fast turn around. Especially if it’s straight off the bike.

I only have one pair of bibs and I do wear them a couple of times before I wash them. Luckily I don’t sweat much. Wearing them during shower also helps. :man_shrugging:t3:

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Once a week, I have amassed sufficient stores of kit to allow a 10 day rotation but once a week insures they are clean and dry by the next time.
Fans in my cave are on a 4 hour timer, 1-2 hours for ride then the rest to help dry out all the gear, air the place out etc. just hang used kit up after ride then into a mesh laundry bag next day pre ride and do laundry before a rest day so they can hang dry with a 4 hour fan shot then finish drying before closet before next ride at which time there is one used kit in the laundry bag from ride prior to rest day.

I rotate between two pairs of Assos bibs. I’m going to buy a 3rd. I’ll wear bibs on the trainer 2-3 times before washing. I’m usually not using chamois cream and in my 55F pain cave with two fans, I’m not sweating much. Hang inside out after workouts. Jerseys are one time use only. If I ride outside, it’s usually one time use.

In our household of 3, I rotate my cycling clothes with the regular wash. I put expensive clothes in a laundry bag to protect them.

My secret funk reducer is Borax. A quarter cup with each load keeps everything smelling fresh. If you ever get any clothes that take on a smell that doesn’t come out with regular washing, just do a soak cycling in a cup of Borax and they will come out fresh.


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I’ll remember this next time you throw shade at someone for eating a green banana


I’ve tried a lot of things, vinegar, baking soda… haven’t done bleach though cause i have some weird phobia of ruining my clothes rooted in a childhood trauma.

This one works.
Might try the borax option

I noticed some women have been getting their eyebrows tattooed to their faces, so I followed suit and got bib shorts tattooed to my body.

I “wash” them by hopping in the shower.


I wash them after every ride. 5 rides per week, 3 pairs of bibs. Wash on rest days and hang dry. Bingo bango bongo.

Shower wash along with my handsome body after every workout. Machine wash a big pile of bike gear about once a month, but that’s moreso tied to how often I do a really dirty outdoor ride than the Gregorian calendar.

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Washed after every ride - though with three kids in the house, the washing machine is on at least once a day anyway so it makes no odds. If it was just me on my own I’d probably wash them once a week but still a fresh pair for every ride - pulling on used bibs isn’t a pleasant thought for me.

Mind you, if I didn’t have three kids, I’d have a hell of a lot more cycling kit to choose from…


When we replaced our washer and dryer a couple of years ago, we splurged on a mini pedestal washer as part of the setup. Just big enough for one or two sets of workout gear, so I try to wash my bibs right after each workout. (I assume its way more water/energy efficient than running the main washer, but I haven’t actually tested it…)

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I could honestly not imagine this. Like Im sure it would help, but seems so wasteful and time consuming. :skull_and_crossbones:
A quick search didn’t yield many results in this so apologies if it was already mentioned, not washing your bibs with other peoples clothes will help a lot if you’re concerned about bacteria (ie if you group your cycling clothes with your partner’s ‘exercise’ clothes, don’t.).

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I have some old bibs in Large if some of you dirty guys that wear bibs without washing them want them, hit me up.



For those wondering, have you checked the bib vendor’s website for care instructions? I’m rocking Pactimo for my winter bib tights, the care instructions start with this:

Pretty much the same info as my other bib vendors (Assos and Voler).



I am probably more of an edge case. So, some of you will love this.

I only use the one pair of shorts with holes in them for the trainer. I wash them when I do laundry, about once a week or so and hang them up between sessions. If I take a shower I might hand wash them there. I say if because I only shower occasionally, since I don’t have running water where I live.

I wear the same bibs to commute for the week, which is separate from my training shorts. I wash them when I do laundry.

For outdoor rides I have a couple of kits I can make use of. For MTB I just wear whatever tshirt I wore to work that day and one of my two pairs of MTB shorts.

If I a doing a lot of outdoor riding, I will rewear kits as needed. Same for running. ONly thing I try not to rewear are socks, but that is a guideline, not a rule.

While I won’t criticize anyone for wanting to feel clean, people do get WAY too worked up about it.


This is completely off-topic but I would love to hear more about your life situation. It sounds exciting.


The dirty guys don’t wear oversized bibs. :joy::kissing_heart:

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I wear clean bibs after each ride except after the short mid-week endurance ride where I didn’t sweat much. This way my 4 sets of bibs gets me through the 5 indoor rides each week. I just throw them in the wash with all my other laundry every Sunday and air dry. I am a heavy sweater and my bibs are usually quite damp after a indoor ride