We were in Reno over the weekend for my daughter’s college graduation. Stayed at the Whitney Peak hotel and I’m thinking of going back next month because…
Cattle Decapitation is rocking the house on the 22nd! Hmm, on the other hand that means no more cowbell Can’t support that.
RAINY and cold Monday, perfect return to training with 2 hours outside and some short and easy criss-cross intervals to start week1 of another block:
Had to turn around on the 2nd to last cross. Versus the prior training block, much better control going from tempo to above threshold and back to tempo
Back home and past the house decorated by the two 80+ year old ladies that live there:
I think they get help with the lights on the gutter. But the rest? I rode past the house several days in a row a couple weeks ago when they were outside putting up lights! Rocking grannies!
This guy rented high lift, trimmed his redwood, and put up a show!
off to the far right of the pic is a white tent top - that is our neighborhood microbrewery and CrossFit gym. Stopped and talked to Joe of BBQ Express Yoself, he was cooking outside the brewery tonight. No beer for me!