Where did you ride OUTSIDE today (2022)

Wow. What an incredible adventure! Speaking as a fellow Texan, whose house is at less than 20’ above sea level, I can tell you it’s not easy to breathe for at least the first week above 5,000’. I could feel his suffering as you shared more and more climbing :rofl:

I just got home from a week in Colorado and have spent a week managing nosebleeds, but it’s absolutely worth the pain and the blow to your ego. I’d go back tomorrow if I could! Cheers to you for sharing your beautiful location with him and us. :beers:

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That looks like an awesome time. The views are just incredible.


OMG! How amazing! It looks just like the one at Disneyland! :rofl:. Wow. What a great host you were and what a lucky friend. Gonna save the Relive videos for my lunch break today! Always a treat to see your adventures!

The last day of my holiday’s saw me and a few mates head up to Cupar. Thankfully it wasn’t as hot as forecasted so we extended it to Newburgh. We were going to visit a bakery there but it was shut so we raided the local co op instead. When we stopped I noticed a giant bear burnt into the Hillside.

My picture didnt come out good so I looked for some better ones and info on the web, I found this:

The route:

Edit: A slightly less awesome Relive :sunglasses:


I was all ready to post for the first time in this thread, but then @mountainrunner made me decide otherwise.

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Cambridge, MA, USA

I ventured outside for some hill repeats while on my business trip. Unfortunately I turned 100 ft too soon at one of the intersections and ended up on an on-ramp to a highway. As I was pulling over to the edge of the shoulder to figure out how to get out of the mess I just put myself in, my rear wheel picked up a two-inch nail. First flat with a tubeless setup.

The puncture was too big for the sealant to fix. Fortunately the bacon strip and CO2 cartridge worked the first time. I’ve never been good at repairing flats, especially with tubes, so I was pleasantly surprised that I got it the first time and that it held.

I eventually, carefully, worked my way up the on-ramp (in the wrong direction) and made the proper turn to the neighborhood with the hill. The first two intervals were a bit of a faff but the last five went ok for someone who normally does all structured rides on a trainer. More on the workout here.



for the save!

I’m sure you would have nailed those hill or no hill :muscle:


I had a good interval session tonight (Palmer) but it ended at the bottom of Knockhill I had hoped at least one or two intervals would be up the hill so I had another approximately 60s on 60s off session up it and given it was such a braw clear night (a bit too bright at times lol) I stopped a few times to take a few pictures on the way down, some of them are in the video below :sunglasses:


in honor of @HLaB TT’ing I’ve decided its time to put the Canal TT route back into the lineup:

Its popular with triathletes, here is one of 3 TTers I passed:

and another:

Turkey time coming back into town:

Couple miles from home is an animal friend that always checks me out:

and a minute from home I always have to run the gauntlet - the ground squirrel gauntlet :chipmunk: They are feeding in the field on the left, see me coming, and run across the trail in front of me. Usually about 5 or 8 of 'em. One little guy always waits until the very last possible moment, then darts in front of my wheel and starts squeaking and squealing as I brake to avoid running over him. Hard to get a pic, here is one of 'em:

Headed to the Central Coast tomorrow, to escape the heat. Today’s theme song was stuck in my head, playing on repeat the entire ride:


Did a few hours at 80% hr on the eMTB today. We’ve already had 18 days at 100+ degrees this month (with feels like temps around 110) and the trails are just bone dry. Lots of surface cracks and loose sand/dirt as you can see on my legs!


Oh my gosh! Wasn’t it insanely hot? Nice job!

it was 90F / 32C at that time of day.

I actually went out last night too, for a second ride, with an average temp of 99F / 37C:

^^^ Temp at bottom… But its a dry heat!


I had Antelope-3 in my calendar tonight but I managed to get a last run in with my old club instead and I think it was a reasonable alternative for a low level SS ride (although I won’t match it). The club ride was a similar duration and IF wise it wasn’t much below the target. We dropped someone into the strong headwind and soft-pedalled to let him get back on or it probably would have been closer still. The route goes up Pilmuir St to Redcraigs, then downhill to Saline, then undulating to Clackmannan via Forrest Mill, along the mainly flat coast from Kincardine through Toryburn and Culross before rising back to Dunfermline.


You have inspired me. I am going to get out and ride this weekend even if it I melt doing so!


Just go slow! And drink plenty!


I was going to post a video of the wind we had yesterday, but it looks like videos aren’t allowed!

I’ve been coaching at a kids cycling summer camp all week (my first coaching gig - yay). In the afternoons, we head out into the community on our bikes. I have no data, no strava entries, and only the occasional “why am I doing this” selfie.


So cool! :trophy:

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Franklin County, ME, USA

Took my Fezzari Empire road bike off-roading on some Hunt 35 gravel wheels and Vittoria Torreno Dry 700 x 31 tires. Frame can fit a max of 32 mm tires but I have about 2-3 mm of clearance all the way around.

There was one section of road that had some recent repairs that was too much for the bike. The town fixed the road by putting sand on top of the washed out areas but only flattened it with the truck, so it was basically loose over hard; and there were still substantial potholes. A proper gravel bike with 40+ mm tires may have been able to handle it. Anyway, still a total blast!

According to the Varia radar, a total of 5 cars passed me from behind during my two-hour ride. :+1:

A view from left to right of the lake and mountains to the west. This is about 250 ft above lake level.

Some “goochy” (i.e. well-maintained) dirt road in the back woods of eastern Maine.

Obligatory bike pics.


I met some mates and some new mates and we headed south across the FRB to what is known to cyclists as the Bathgate Alps (the hills around Bathgate in West Lothian).


Got a late start yesterday, and my rear tire was down from 62psi to 30psi. Pumped it up at the hotel and started out. As I’m leaving the parking lot I get this text from my daughter, she does a lot of field work at Vandenberg Space Force Base and was on the base for nearly front row seats:

Well that was going to happen in 20 minutes, bummed that we couldn’t be closer. And then 19 minutes later my rear tire made the “woosh” sound and I pulled over to see sealant coming out the side hole on the rim. So I called my wife to pick me up and take me to the bike shop.

Forgot to pull my phone out, so here is a pic of the SpaceX launch contrail about 5 minutes late: Silca's 'Ultimate Tubeless Sealant' is made from recycled carbon fibre - #133 by WindWarrior

And looking east from the same spot:

After Foothill Cyclery retaped the wheel and topped off with Orange Seal regular, I was on my way again.

Field of mule deer looking at the Irish Hills for the first climb up Prefumo Canyon:

Obligatory pic from the top of Prefumo Canyon, looking north toward Morro Bay, Cayucos, Cambria, and Hearst Castle:

Solid marine layer, no chance of seeing Morro Rock today.

On the gravel connector between Prefumo and See Canyons I spotted a mama cow and three calves, see if you can spot 'em:

Always love me a good more cowbell moment.

It was a not too hot climb, about 85-90F / 29-32C, so I had sucked down both water bottles by the time I finished descending the steep part of See Canyon. Stopped at Kesley Winery to refill:

And then onward to the 'Welcome to Pismo Beach" sign:

And into Grover Beach, where they make Voler bibs and jerseys:

Then slowly climbing up to Arroyo Grande:

And finishing the top of Hwy 227 climb out of Arroyo, and looking north toward Bishop Peak back where I started:

Thru the Edna Valley:

And back into San Luis Obispo:


Miles and smiles
