Where did you workout (ride, run, etc) OUTSIDE today? (2024)

Taking advantage of another month or so of having gym membership by my old house, which is by my work, and a 1/2 mile off the C&O to get some easy/recovery rides in outside then hitting the pool and access to a shower before work. Need to build a shower in my shop.

Bummed about changing pools, been using this one for 12 years and is way way nicer than the Y near our new house, but logistics (driving tot to preschool) and cost just makes more sense.

Here is a “pour one out” image from 2 years ago when they were draining it to resurface. I was the second person (missed being first by a few seconds) back in after they redid it.

And super lazy swim, I normally don’t even want to get wet for anything under 2k yards.


I don’t think I have done that on an outside ride, but maybe if you select all out it will trigger the “didn’t pass” survey?

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The only reference I can find is from last August:

So yes I think I’ll change it from Hard to Fail as I only did two intervals of three.

If you work in DC / Northern Virginia, Long Bridge Aquatic Center has a great pool.

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I’m up in Frederick so that is a bit far, but wow yeah looks nice. The Urbana Y is new/nice (haven’t been) but 20 min in the wrong direction in the morning. The Downtown Y is only a few minutes away so I can swim at 5am get back home drop tot off and then head to work. Super dated though and no track (hate treadmills).

Local Wednesday night MTB race. It’s hard to describe this as an XC race, as it’s a big ascent followed by a big descent. And pretty much redlining heart rate on both the up and the down. :confounded:

Bonus pic taken from the course, but a few weeks ago. I thought for half a second about taking a pic with my phone this evening, but high likelihood I would have dropped it in my hypoxic state.


A 25min threshold session for me tonight (aka the PCC TT)

It was pretty windy so I managed to score PRs in one direction but I was down 13s over all. I’ll go with my windsock lol which has me at the same speed as last week wind adjusted :wink:


I am on vacation, so I tried a day bike tour package in Buenos Aires and had great time. I rode bicycle through lively neighborhoods and lovely parks, enjoying the city’s special charm and very nice weather. Later, I go for running along the beautiful paths in Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur.

If you are planning a trip to Argentina, need check https://gowithguide.com/argentina/buenos-aires
because they give personalized tours.

I still have one week here before going to Chile where I will meet my best friend who I haven’t seen for a long time. Wherever I go I make sure to still have physical activity. Health is wealth. Cheers!


Carter was in my calendar but I opted for a more ab lib Z1/2 Gravel ride of a similar duration.

I chose a near out and back route to maximise the gravel. From the door to the A1 (the big road pointing 11 o’clock). Fortunately I go under the A1 as its a motorway. The section over Haddon is a rural lane and Bullock Road past the golf course and Oundle Road to Elton are pretty quiet, To complete the triangle the track from Elton back to Bullock Rd (by Over End) is all bridleway except the A507 crossing. I’m then back over the Haddon Hump (lanes) to the bridle way which takes me home :slight_smile:


First real ride on my 32mm tyre and it felt good. When we said we were doing the extra 5miles route I really decided to test it out. I never went deep into the red but I gave it a lower threshold effort for circa 20 mins. With the aim of recovering in the pub, lol the pub was shut for a private function, so me and a mate went to one closer to home.


Longest ride I’ve ever done. 174km with 1900m of climbing :sweat_smile:


Well done :clap:

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5 min strength + sprints
Prince William County, VA, USA

Nice, relaxing ride in the country side with a little bit of structure (4 x 5 min low cadence / strength work and 5 x 10 sec sprints). Been rebuilding a fence … off-bike TSS is real! Definitely needed this chill ride to loosen up.

Eight full-length sections done. 28 full-length and two half-length sections, and three gates to go.


Was able to ride to our vacation destination. Did 105km and 1400m. Decided to use the proper climb as a test to see what I can do after 2200 kj. Did 296w for 20min could have been a bit more if I had the mental energy to suffer more and had to stop for a few seconds because of oncoming traffic. Still was pretty ok considering my training after the marmotte was pretty inconsistent and it was a really hot day.

Rouye through Emmental was pretty nice.


An almost ideal day for this morning’s group ride.

I set a few year power records up the 6% Harringworth hill (that’s the high point in the ride) and lol, you can see how long I had to wait at the top.

I came back and scrolled the Olympics coverage and thought it looked boring and went out on the gravel bike.

Lol, I didn’t scroll far enough, I’ve just watched the women’s cross-country MtB :joy:


Hains Point Hämmerfest
Washington, DC, USA

Good turnout at today’s Hämmerfest. Overcast, warm, and humid with a breeze from the south. Made the back stretch quite fast. Lap 2, which we’re supposed to average 25 mph, hit 30 mph for most of the section across from Reagan National Airport. We settled down after that, until the last lap at which it becomes a free-for-all after the point. I didn’t position myself well at the start of that lap and ended up pulling through the point, so had nothing left for the home stretch. :man_shrugging:


Did a loop around lake Thun. Weather was pretty hot but ok along the lake. Views were great the road on the Southside is nothing special but on the way back on the north the road is beautiful going along cliffs. Then it was climbing back up managed 313w for 20 min after 1800kj and in the heat Garmin showed 38.5 -39 on the climb. Pretty happy with it was not all out but close to it.


Knocked out another TR workout on the Canal before heading to the pool. Went west this time but then came upon a fallen tree, probably could have figured out a way around it, but turned around. For some reason on the last ride I decided I was going to sprint the last 30 seconds of the last set before the warm down didn’t think of that until 30 seconds so didn’t get a full 30 second sprint… I realize I could have gone into the warm down but brain shut me down. So this time I planned to do the same, and keep going until I broke. Only problem was with the double turn around I was back near parking area so there were people and wasn’t safe to do that. Rode to next parking area and decided to do it on the road. First I forgot that in that direction it is a slight downhill especially right at the start so wasn’t mentally prepared for the intial lack of load and had wrong gear. Then came up on cars at a near stop through a one lane pass under some train tracks so had to back off. Still ended up with 15-32 second all time power records! They aren’t really that impressive since I never sprint, but still.

Busy weekend outside but forgot to post. Did 2 hour threshold ride inside on saturday then headed to the melo ride. Sunday I did the group ride I went on the week before, probably start doing this one as my sunday endurance ride replacement. Sunday evening ran with the jogger to a concert in the park downtown via the long way and GF walked the short way. Then we all walked home together.

Last week was my biggest week all year ~12 hours if I ignore the walk home, 2 weeks post 70.3 and now I start training…


After last nights recovery ride, tonight was a 25min threshold session (aka the club) TT. It took me a bit to settle as there was a lot of traffic tonight and I’m too cautious when I have several cars behind me. Just when I was beginning to settle I came across a horse rider on a narrow bit of road, more traffic, got stopped by the marshall at the blind corner (for my safety :+1:). Just as I was about to give it beans to the finish I came across another horse rider, fortunately on a wide bit of road this time, so I didn’t lose too much more time. To be 10secs down on my PB is probably acceptable :slight_smile:


To have all that happen and only be 10 secs down is awesome!