Where did you workout (ride, run, etc) OUTSIDE today? (2024)

I had a good time at the Colesburg Back 40 gravel race yesterday. Oldest ongoing race in the midwest, very unique course, almost never a straight road and the same amount of climbing per distance as steamboat gravel even though it is in Iowa.


This is so cool!!!


Next target event is the 12 hour category at 24 Hour World Time Trial Championships. Double DAMN is done, so I’m focused on riding the TT bike, spent the last week riding it easy. Started on legit intervals today. First time ever doing intervals on the TT bike, and boy do I have some room to grow!


Damn, I was there(not racing)! The 40 miler is my favorite! I grew up in that area and it really is a hidden gem for riding!


Great job! I definitely enjoy the buzz of completing a session in aero position. What exactly was the difficulty?


breathing mostly. was much hard to ‘control’ my breathing. Part of that is the position, part is the adrenaline of doing 30mph and pushing threshold watts. Even on normal position, pushing threshold always feels easier at slower speeds for some reason. The legs actually felt pretty good.

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A nice relaxed recovery ride for my recovery week, leading round the social/beginners ride for a local cycling group, For some reason after 90s my power meter cut out for the 5mins to the meet but after waiting stationary for 6mins and after 3mins into the ride it came back and never missed a beat.


Did my last harder efforts on Sunday before the he alpenbrevet on saturday. Went over the local hills at threshold. My fabero assume uno seems to have died… First nothing while loading then strange light patterns and now nothing again… Oh well will ride with the SPD version from the gravelbike for now…

Wathwr looks good now for the weekend, probably just relatively cool on the mountains.



Only had 4.5hrs sleep Tuesday night but managed a fair workload Wednesday

Long sleep last night but still tired this morning


Front Range gravel today.


5x 4 min VO2max
Hains Point, Washington, DC, USA

VO2 intervals are soooo much easier outside. Gates were closed until dawn, which makes the course more conducive to 4- and 5-minute intervals vice 2-minute, which is what was originally scheduled. Used JOIN’s “shuffle” feature to select this workout, which is essentially identical to TR’s “alternates.” Felt surprisingly good given how little true VO2 work I’ve done.


Lol, I maybe made that harder it should have been. My rear tyre felt a little soft but given I thought it would be more of a social ride I thought with it being a 32mm tyre it would be OK and I’d opt for comfort. Just me and another mate turned up. He usually sits at the back and has brief flurries of being really strong but today he was strong the whole ride (or at least the part I done with him).

The inside of my elbows ache still (perhaps I should have worn full arm warmers, rather than arm skins) and perhaps I haven’t got fully over last weeks flu (although I sweated it out over night my stomach wasn’t solid until yesterday) but when he said he needed to get home, I opted for a coffee stop (I think my elbows would have given out completely the way I was feeling).

Needless to say when you include the full ride (including solo bits) the ride average is less.

Kinda reassuringly, when I finally mustered a pressure check I had 40psi front/ 30 psi back which probably pushed me over the edge.


Moose aren’t too bothered by humans. Unlike elk who bolt as soon as you get close. I cut my ride short yesterday. Three moose eating berries by the side of the trail. Using the trail to get up the mountain. Waited for 10 mins behind them before I decided they weren’t going anywhere and turned around. A mom with two calves. So I didn’t want to risk a pass.


Can’t just ring your bell and yell “on your left!” :thinking:


Definitely - Moose just do what they want and unless you get much to close pretty much ignore your presence. Which includes them moving off the trail you might want to use :slight_smile:

I always enjoy seeing them out in the woods. Here’s another:


Haven’t been outside much lately due to lack of time but we are up in NJ for a family birthday and forced myself to get out.

Hit up park to warm up pedaling a “bap” around

my daughter calls ducks baps and loves baps. she knows now that they are ducks but we all have stuck with bap.

played on the playground a bit then suited up and hit the DNR canal towpath. Started from the park about 11 miles from the east end of the towpath. Went about 19 miles west and then turned around to head back the 30ish miles to the end which is near my parents house. Thankfully was not going by Rutgers stadium when the game was letting out. Rained a little but was only annoying right before I turned around and then it was coming from behind so didn’t really notice it.

All sorts of records for power, 1 hour was 292, 20 min 325 and those were an hour into the ride where I was already not taking it easy. Definitely gonna need to make some changes to my fan setup at home, no way I can work with this inside.

love this thing


The view from behind bars today:

@#$% time to rewrap that bar tape…


I’ve only ever seen a moose in the wild once, and had same experience. They could care less if you want them to move. Was at Rocky Mountain National Park. We were in awe.


That’s a great blue.

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1h45 run with a friend, found a new field :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s London on the horizon.