Not sure if this has been posted here before (couldn’t find it doing a search), so here goes.
I’m originally from Brazil and live in New York. What about you?
160 responses so far, here’s the tally. I counted by the country the user is living in. The UK is broken
down into separate countries (but please no political infighting here )
USA - 38
England - 32
Australia - 10
Canada - 8
Ireland - 6
Scotland - 6
Germany - 5
Sweden - 4
Netherlands - 3
New Zealand - 3
Northern Ireland - 3
Poland - 3
Finland - 2
Israel - 2
Italy - 2
Japan - 2
Zambia - 2
Belgium - 1
Czech Republic - 1
Denmark - 1
France - 1
Greece - 1
India - 1
Kazakhstan - 1
Latvia - 1
Mexico -1
Norway - 1
Qatar - 1
Romania -1
Russia - 1
Slovakia - 1
South Africa - 1
Spain - 1
Wales - 1