Pettit outdoors (so 90m rather than 60) - picked a long, flat straight out and back, focused really hard on keeping pressure on the pedals (less than 60s coasting in total), and ended up with a TSS of 71 (rather than 39).
because TR’s inside workout is 39 TSS, but the outside version is 52-71+ TSS. But TR wrongly claims the outside version is still 39 TSS. So either ignore TSS or do the outside workout around the same amount of time as the inside version.
Because TR needs to fix endurance outside rides?
Here is the outside prescription for Pettit:
Warm Up:
Ride for 5 minutes, gradually raising your power from 124 to 149.
Main Set:
81 minutes in between 149-174 watts.
4 minutes easy.
At low-end of ranges:
5 minutes at 124W (50% FTP)
81 minutes at 149W (60% FTP)
4 minutes at 112W (45% FTP)
TSS = 52 (overall IF=0.59)
With main set at high-end of ranges, and warmup/cooldown at low-end:
5 minutes at 124W (50% FTP)
81 minut…