Psh, I was 35 when I went from couch to TR and my first FTP test result was 95. There are no absolute values of good or bad when it comes to your FTP and you have nothing to justify, then or now.
At your weight, 250 would be 3.4 watts/kg. I’d be flabbergasted if that’s your genetic ceiling! This the bell curve post @Johnnyvee mentioned:
There are at least a couple women in their 30s and 40s on the platform up over 5 w/kg, which would be around 360 watts for you. There’s also a pretty fun power analysis of two big contenders from the World Championships last year at VeloNews.
You’ve gone from 1.6 w/kg to 2.8 in three months. You’re in the middle of your newbie-gains period, and everything is a limiter right now. Other people already suggested some plans to try, so I’ll just say this: Keep training, stay consistent, fuel the work (don’t diet on the bike), trust the process, and have fun!