Yoga Poses For Lower Back Pain

Not that different from a TR training plan.

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I would much rather spend time finding a good physio, who can 1. Identify the actual issues and 2. Write a good program that will work on whatā€™s causes the lower back pains to start with.

There is nothing wrong with yoga per se, it is just everyoneā€™s body is different and needs a specific approach.

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I agree with finding a good physical therapist, but mine sends me straight to yoga. Nothing has been more beneficial for my long term fitness than a steady yoga practice.

Thanks a lot! Iā€™ve got back pains for a year or so, itā€™s getting worse from time to time. Iā€™d also recommend switching to some special furniture while youā€™re deaing with it, for example, I bought the best camping chair for bad back. Itā€™s lightweight and I can take it with me in long rides.

Is there a substantial difference in content on your various websites, Yoga 15 vs Yoga for Mountain bikers?

Like it ! Thanks :slight_smile:

Iā€™m so good at that ā€œopening postureā€ itā€™s untrue!

I looked at your sequence and it looked good. What your opionon about Doulble Pigeon for back and hips

Yes, Pigeon Pose is one of the best yoga poses for opening the hips and relieving tension in the lower back. It stretches the hip flexors, glutes, and the lower back, which can help improve flexibility and reduce tightness.

Yes, There are several yoga poses that can help relieve lower back pain. Poses like Childā€™s Pose, Downward Dog, Bridge Pose, Cat Pose and Supine Twist stretch and strengthen the back, improve flexibility, and reduce tension. Regular practice of these poses can help ease pain and prevent discomfort in the lower back.