Zone 2 training with Iñigo San Millán, part 2

Not sure where to put this but I know @stino77 has been updating their z2 progress with a z2 focused/ ISM approach so thought I would share having tried to adopt some various things in this and other similar threads.

z2, LT1, VT1, ISM or otherwise aside, having just completed by base block with a “z2” focus if I ever needed evidence that volume works (or at least I respond to it) I have it…

I did 7 weeks of z2 focus with a weekly Zwift ZRL race for the first 5 weeks, a couple of 3x20 SST @ 90% when time was tight and whatever a group ride threw at me when the weather allowed.

About 80% of time was z2 (mix between 65-72%) with no ride shorter than 2h with most w/o’s 2.5h, 3h or 4h where possible. Worked out about 100+ hours of base (15, 12, 15, 15, 15, 17, 20hr wks).

During the block I observed that I gain about 20w+ for the same HR and compared to the same period last year above, 10-15w up overall across the 65-75% MaxHR range. Efficiency increased and decoupling stayed at <3% avg despite increasing ride duration. NP across the rides evened out also. I was particularly pleased with only circa 2hr of coasting in this block.

Having now taken a couple of days easy riding to RPE etc as part of recovery week and then re-tested (using KM Baseline Progression as I always do) ahead of my next planned block…the results of which I was completely surprised with…

Having not not done any threshold work really (at least no consistent TiZ) for nearly 3 months (prior to this 7 wk block I had a week off as “off season” and prior to that had just completed hill climb season so was vo2 max focused), the outcome was only being down 4w and 10mins from my peak TTE last season…I can only put this down to increase in volume minimising and loss of gains from last year.

Was I working at optimal % of z2, or LT1 or where ISM suggests, who knows…but in all honesty I can say the recent quote from Kolie Moore certainly worked in my case… “have a snack and ride your bike”.

I was going to do a SST block, but this has changed things.

Back to the thread in hand though, its extremely valuable :smiley: