Zwift 2024 Updates….post ‘em here!

Yep, I use MyWoosh a lot and really don’t understand why people would pay for Zwift when this is totally free and very similar. Works very well.


Agree on all three of the first points. Perhaps I’m emphasizing the wrong things in my explanation or just not doing a very good job.

When I only have ~190W to play with (and I remember when I only had 150W to play with…), only being able to adjust power up or down by a minimum of 5W per “click” means that each little step up or down is quite noticeably different. It doesn’t feel like a “little” step.

To your fourth point: sure, I’d agree. But let’s say I’m down one “click” from my FTP at 185W. If I’m finding 185W a little too hard that day, I can’t drop 1W or 2W to see if that small change helps me get through the interval: no, I have to drop 5W at a time. And 180W is 94.8%, where I’m getting closer to sweet-spot than to threshold. Again, why?

It would (often!) be really useful to have finer granularity in power adjustments. And again, the fact that such a limitation is entirely artificial, with some downside but ZERO upside, and there is NO need to have it there, bothers me further.


The new Zwift costs isn’t far off the TR cost, so basically you’re swapping the workout library and AI for the interface and virtual riding/racing capability.

I’m a coached rider and have workouts set in Trainingpeaks which then become visible in Zwift, with the hoops/markers showing the start and end of intervals really useful. For me. £50/$50 increase is negligible for that until someone else provides the same interface for cheaper.

Right now, I can’t find another platform that does the integration so automatically*, importing workouts seems primary a manual affair/faff negating the price rise for me.

*it may be the Rouvy or Whoosh does it but that requires a high end PC again negating the Zwift price rise.

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It affects me enough to make me quit, plus price increase…

Aha, so the rounding is now probably the second worst thing about Zwift. :wink:

Hm it is slowly getting to the point where I want to search for another app where I can do my workouts, if can push directly to zwift that maybe would make it worth it. I like having stuff like the Alp or Ventop as a carrot on TH and SS intervals, but 20 bucks per month is getting to the point where I just use the elite app to set resistance, as I don’t do much erg mode anymore…

Once MyWhoosh integrates with Garmin Connect, I’m sold.

That might be a long wait. I just dual record but it’s not ideal, but not a major either

Just got the reply from the support from MyWhoosh that goes along the lines that they would really like to integrate with them, but Garmin’s being a d*** about it, so the move really is on Garmin.

I’ve emailed Garmin as well. The more of us to push it, the greater are the odds.

Garmin stopped allowing new 3rd parties to upload to garmin connect a fair while ago (have a look in the TrainerDay formum for example)

I don’t think it’s fair to call Garmin d** about it, it’s their software that they have developed to promote their hardware, that they give free to Garmin Hardware owners, Garmin hardware can record all activities, its fair of them to protect themselves from other companies just going “well upload to Garmin Connect” analysis software done, and the software is part of the “reasons to buy a Garmin” it’s fair of them to protect that, just as TR protects it’s workout library


I can see certainly see that logic for preventing other hardware manufacturers from using Garmin Connect. Not sure it applies to software like MyWhoosh though - they’re not a competitor to Garmin. Or not to their hardware business anyway - I’m not up to speed on what training software Tacx have these days.

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I thought it was to do with the IP of the workouts going into zwift? Same as it’s technically a breach of copyright to copy/ recreate them yourself? Maybe that’s been changed/ was ironed out in meetings in Reno?

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I put mywoosh on my Apple TV, but won’t control my original Hammer - it sees the power/ cadence but won’t control (just the flashing light). Went straight to zwift and it all connected. Tried mywoosh again, and still no joy.

Tacx is owned by Garmin

If it matters to anyone, MyWhoosh is financed by the UAE.

For those having trouble integrating platforms, check out RunGap. I use it to send my completed TrainerDay workouts to Garmin as if they were Tacx workouts so that it sends all the data Garmin Connect uses for training metrics. You have to pay something like $10 for their “Swag Bag” upgrade to do this.

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Yep, and it does kinda matter to me. I was actually just trying to use it for a while to see if I’d do enough non-workouts to justify reactivating zwift. I’ll probably do a month or so if/ when TR integration happens.

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It’s Garmin software for their hardware, they can protect it any way they like, Zwift wasn’t a competior, then they started making turbo trainers (Garmin own Tacx)

I’m not commenting really on if I agree, e.t.c, e.t.c, more the calling gamin d*** about what they do with their free software

I feel I’m getting sucked back into zwift. A few things that occur to me is how TR is going to handle free rides around a workout. iirc if you do a zwift workout, and just carry on pedalling it adds it to the entire file. Speaking as a regular “extend warm-up”/ “extend cool down” TR user!

Can certainly agree that it’s not fair calling them d***s for not doing something which has no apparent commercial advantage for them!

  • I need to find the link, but TR opened that up years ago so this Z connection is the next logical step.
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