2024 multitool / flat kit thread

Its time for me to review my multitool / flat kit setup. For the most part I’m still running what I’ve been using for years - nashbar multitool, CO2 cartridge and inflator, a couple of tire levers (older pair is pedro , silca is newer set), dynaplug if I’m running tubeless.

I should really make sure I have the right quicklink with each bike in case a chain fails. That said, in my decade and a half of riding my chain only broke once.

I have a couple of silca seat rolls which I’ve had some trouble with but might work depending upon the contents. I have their Mattone which is more reliable (its zippered).

I’m still figuring out what I should bring on my XC bike.

The market for multitools has changed a lot and I should probably upgrade. At very least, my wife needs a setup for her new bike commute. Another outcome might be that I don’t need to change what works. How often do you pull out the old multitool anyway?

What you already have Sounds good to me :sunglasses:

I’d suggest having some cash for a cafe/taxi, like a £20 note, and a piece of old inner tube to help fill in a gash.

Check out some of these recent threads.

The Cannondale tool looks neat.

Converted to tubeless. What tools do I need to carry? - Equipment - TrainerRoad

Have you ever used a multi-tool mid ride (road cycling)? - Equipment - TrainerRoad

Lots of options here, but I’d just say that if you ride anywhere with mud, I’d recommend the seat roll vs the zippered pack. I find the my Silca zippers don’t like rain and mud and get stuck and/or break. That never happens with a roll. I just started using an uswe roll pack and I’m a fan.

On my mountain bikes I carry the Oneup pump with multi tool. I carry it on the mount that attaches to the water bottle holder. It has never fallen out. The large pump is the best pump I’ve ever used for changing a flat on a mtb, really smooth and the high volume makes it quick.

The tool is fantastic. Like all Oneup stuff, extremely well made, you can really notice the quality vs other tools. Has all the normal stuff, but also integrates a tire lever, simple chain breaker. It slots into the pump, and also has a space to securely hold a quick link.

The only downside is the whole setup is heavy.

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Top tip on a zipper that is starting to stick due to rain, mud, etc. Get a wax crayon or chapstick (I’ve had good results with both) and liberally apply to the teeth of the zipper while it’s open. Zip it back and forth a few times to work it in, and zip should work like new.

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