This is my fifth year/season of Trainerroad. Loving the software and training plans.
I don’t race, but I train 9 months a year (September-June). As I train for solo adventure road rides, I’m usually on some Plan Builder flavor of SS Base → Sustained Power Built → Gran Fondo Specialty, extended and re-arranged to fit my life calendar. Always Low Volume, adding 30-50% more TSS through commutes and endurance rides, when and if I can. Usually throughout autumn and spring, I fit in 100-150 km solo ride every other week, replacing a workout or extending that week plan. With winter bad weather, I’m mostly doing TR.
This year my life calendar fits quite nicely:
28 continuous weeks → 2 weeks of spring break → 8 continuous weeks
I’m curious what you guys would do: 28 week standard progression Base->Build->Specialty plan with Plan Builder and then do 8 week Maintenance plan, or 36 weeks Plan Builder plan with 2 weeks off inside it?
In the 36 weeks option, Plan Builder basically suggests two complete Build phases with rearranged Base blocks and Specialty for last 8 weeks,
I’m kinda leaning to 28 wk + maintenance option, being more loose and leaving more space for outdoor rides in spring.