This is partly feedback for the TrainerRoad overlords, partly nerves cuz I hope I did the right thing.
The mid-level Masters Plan is too easy even for those with 2-3 yrs experience. (Or maybe not, read through including the last line). I just deleted it and redid with a custom High Level but still Masters plan. Based on how that goes I’ll either keep it or drop to Mid-level but not masters.
Background. This is NOT a humble brag but rather to show that the mid-level masters plan is far too easy for someone who just got into shape, the AI bot needs to step it up:
- Currently 56 year old male.
- New to TrainerRoad (first 30 days), used human coaches for 2 years but ROI no longer there as IDGAF about times on any given event.
- 6’1"/186cm. Dropped 60#, going from 238 to 178 at age 52 (sniff I’m now back to 205, that was unsustainably low levels of daily calories)
- Bought my first “real” outdoor bike at 53 (going 2 miles with kiddos stopping every 100 yards doesn’t count)
- Did my first ride > 20 miles a few weeks after. 100% flat.
- Did my first century at 53.5 yrs old
- Did my first “real” outdoor run of 2 miles right after the century
- Couldn’t swim from one end of the pool to the other at 54.25 yrs
- 2 Sprint then 2 Olympic then 1 70.3 in the 7 months after that
- When I was only doing cycling, my FTP was 2.99w/kg (ugh).
- My peak triathlete FTP was 2.75 w/kg. (training 3 sports = tough)
- As of this moment I’m 2.2 w/kg cuz 2024 had family medical drama I lost fitness and put on fat cuz chocolate & fried foods are my emotional crutch.
- “A” races in 2025 are WildFlower 70.3/May, Indian Wells 70.3/December. Tons of B/C.
Note: I am NOT some elite athlete. I’ve done 10 triathlons in 22 months, including two 70.3. Tons of single sporting bike or run events. In every single one I’m bottom 30%, often bottom 10%.
If the mid-level Masters triathlete plan was too easy for me, I don’t know who it would be good for.
Or perhaps the root cause is my FTP is artificially low cuz 2024 drama, once it gets back up to 2.5->2.7 w/kg it’ll be hard again, and I’ll need to re-test.