830 (Garmin) Freezing during rides

I am looking to benefit of the brains that reside within this forum.
I have had my 830 screen freeze on 2 rides over the last 3 days, both of them were outdoor JRA and not a training session. However, even after resetting (hard booting the device), the ride does save, but it drops my power and HR recording for the remainder of the ride. This is killing my TSS score.
Event: Stages PM, Scosche HR armband, Garmin 830 on latest firmware version, wearing a 730 watch (but not using) other than push notifications from an iPhone 6+.

I will try another ride today and will turn off my bluetooth on the phone to see if the packets are jamming the 830 somehow - but other than that, I cannot find anything on Google that gives a definitive fix (or reason) for this occurring.

@GPLama - any sage advice or have you experienced in your travels to date?

This freezing doesn’t seem to be isolated just to the 830 either

What’s doing @Garmin_Express, @connect.garmin, @Gramin.com ???

Thanks in advance

No similar issues for me. I’m usually on the latest public beta for the 530/830/1030 as posted over on Garmin Forums

iirc the iPhone 6 is back on IOS 12.x.? That’s going to add to the “what could it be” list if Garmin are testing (or focusing?) on making things work with IOS =>13.x

I’d also plug it in via USB and do a Garmin Express sync to make sure it has the latest “can only push over the wire” updates. There’s a few things the unit will only update over Garmin Express… which took me multiple emails for Garmin to admit. The vanilla line is “Everything is updated over WIfi or BLE”… it’s not. /rant.

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Like the latest GPS chipset update on the 530…

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Thanks for the feedback.
All good this morning for my 30km commute. I will try to keep this up during the week and see if this resolves it.
I did connect to Garmin connect to get the latest download - unless there is a manual download section separate to the ‘check for updates’ tab?
Turning the Bluetooth off the iPhone does impact my ability to listen to the Trainer Road podcast (which is also unacceptable). :wink: