I’ve searched the forums, and read all the FAQs. Hoping that somebody can answer a few questions about AT, how it works, and managing your calendar accordingly. I’ve seen mixed responses on a few of these points.
My overall goal here is to give AT the best possible inputs so that I benefit from the best possible outputs. So that said…
1. If I miss an AT generated workout (via PB) on a particular day, should I keep the uncompleted workout on my calendar, or can I just delete it?
2. If I miss an AT generated workout on a particular day, is it “bad” if I reschedule, or push that workout to the next day (from Tuesday to a Wed, let’s say)? Or is the best approach in that situation to use Train Now to generate a recommended workout?
3. Does AT “see” Train Now workouts and manually added workouts that are in addition to the workouts that PB populates my training calendar with?