To clarify how I came to this conclusion/experiment I’ve been doing polarized training in some sort all summer. Once the “season” was over in late September, early October, I headed indoors and quickly gave up. I couldn’t really motivate myself to start a SST-period with no real goals in sight for next year. Also I burned out completely last year doing SSB from September onwards. By January I had been sick three weeks in total and my fitness was a disaster. So Something had to change.
Now this wasn’t what I wanted to share. I wanted to share my Z2-experiment. Or POL Z1 if you like. Starting in November I began riding about 2h/day staying in Z2/Z3(Coggan) with only about 10% in Z1. Did longer rides on the weekend if I had time. now nothing can be perfect neither is my planning but execution has been pretty OK and adherence as well. Have a look at my November-stats.
Worth noting is that my time in Z3(Coggan) does not reflect back on HR having me considering that I might have gotten stronger. W/HR is telling me the same. I can do higher watts and have a lower HR/RPE now than when starting out this period. I’ll do this until end of December and report back if anyone wants to know.
I did a 40 minute-ish effort at 93% of FTP and wasn’t really close to my threshold heart rate so I guess something has happened and that’s where the threshold-hr-minutes come into play.