These are all workouts in the Polarised Plans so not added via Plan Builder, I just added the plans to the calendar in the normal way. As such I’m not expecting AT to be swapping out workouts but I’m working through the plans seeing what gets suggested in terms of levels.
I’ve done three full Base-Build-Speciality cycles without break (partly because of lockdowns) and was starting to get a bit burnt out so when the Polarised Plans came along I decided to give them a go. I’ll head back to the main plans when I’ve completed these - I’ve a full year waiting in Plan Builder to be added to the calendar, I just have to decide when to start it as I’ve a few big events that are likely to happen this summer with the UK coming out of all the lockdown regulations.
I get your point, but when I look at this example, it doesn’t work for me in the idea of having multiple choices.
1 - I would never use. Nothing at all means I didn’t ride
2-4 are all the same thing
5 is it’s own
6 and 7 are the same thing
8 is it’s own
9-10 are the same (or maybe 8 and 9 are the same?)
That only leaves 6 for me, so might as well go to 5.
We all have different ways that we learn and understand best. With that in mind, I think addressing issues like this with multiple approaches is wise. Using a combination of some text, some pics, and even silly emojis may help cover the different ways that people learn.
Is there a specific reason why a successfully completed workout (that was labeled breakthrough), won’t result in a progression-level update on my career landing screen?
Moderate. It was a custom workout. Threshold 5.8. Completed but no bump in PL. Previous custom workouts have resulted in immediate PL updates, regardless of the survey response… So, not sure about this one.
I can’t dive into AT as it stands, lacking the ability to incorporate outdoor rides with wahoo bolt, especially group rides. With the return of big group rides and racing, it’s essential to factor these efforts into the plan. Xert has some odd workout suggestions (a little fancy for my taste) but I do like XSS tracking and MPA. I’ve been using Xert’s workout creator then exporting as a .Erg file into TR Workout creator. I made a 20 min interval to 0% MPA reserve +2 mins extra instead of a ramp test this week to keep my fitness signature updated. As you can see, progression level updated.
One thing to check (maybe only if the workout was done outside, but still): click on the workout in the calendar and see if it is associated with the correct workout from the plan. If not, they are not linked and you will not get progressions. Happened to me recently. Support said it should be automatically associated, but was not.
Right, sorry. As a narrow-minded, Garmin-only user, all of my data gets uploaded to TR directly from Garmin Connect. I use TR’s calendar, too, but I don’t need any data from Strava and I wish I could turn it off while still pushing the indoor TrainerRoad workouts to Strava.
Check if the initial ride sync comes from Strava rather than Garmin. That’s a known issue and seems to throw off AT in marking workouts for progression levels. I had both connected but because the initial push came from Strava, that caused problems like this.
I think this is absolutely spot on. When you tie the exertion ratings to specific zones it falls apart.
For example, if I were to do Taku on a fresh morning, it would be a 1, no doubt. But today I did it after a 60 minute VO2 workout and had to rate it as a 2. Moderate, as it was not “easy” at all
I’ve been in AT for a little over 2 weeks now and I’ve gotten 1 suggested adaption, which I ignored because it was way off. When I got into AT all my levels were either 1 or 2, even though I was completing 4s, 5s, and 6s. So it suggested something like a 2 for my only adaptation, so I ignored it and did my normally scheduled workout. Regardless, since then, I haven’t had any suggestions. And in my Career page, it says I’ve been in a “Recovery Week” for a month. I used Plan Builder so I’m guessing this is a bug, which is affecting AT and causing it to not give me any adaptations. Since the “Recovery Week” ends this weekend, should I just wait and see if it fixes itself for next week?