A thought I had the other day while building up my triathlon season was that it would be great to be able to delete workouts completely from the sample week before adding it to the calendar. This would allow users the easiest control over their triathlon training plan.
Want mid volume biking, but low volume swimming and running? Add the mid volume plan and then delete the swim and runs from the sample week, then add the low volume plan after deleting the cycling from the sample week.
This is a great idea and is something we plan to address in the future. We find that many triathletes have their own running and swimming regimen, so being able to pick and choose which parts of the plan are added to your calendar would be very beneficial .
I will share your specific approach to solving this issue with the team because I feel it is a simple and effective way to solve this problem
My quick (ish) work round at moment is when setting up all the plans I drag all the bits I don’t want (for me it’s the swims as I’m a duathelete) on to a rest day (Monday for me). That way all the stuff I want to delete is at least all clumped together each Monday so then fairly quick to delete. Not ideal but may help!
This is something I would like to have. Even I don’t do triathlon plans. I tried to add Mid SS plan and wanted to remove all my Tuesday workout. Had to delete them manually from all the weeks.
I put this in the plan builder thread but saw no feedback so figured I’d respond here too. The following could be used to provide a method to remove recurring workouts and get different volume workouts for the tri-plans in plan builder. The simple addition of the drop downs at the top of the week builder would make things quite a bit simpler.