Hi guys!
I’m currently a TR user since November 2020. Started cycling in March 2020. Have been enjoying TrainerRoad a lot but I would like to improve more. Since 1 to 2 years I am stuck around 200-215 FTP (3.8-4 W/kg).
My current trainerschedule looked like this: 3x cycling each week, 3x swimming and around 1x strength per week.
I’ve decided that I would like to focus more on the cycling part than the swimming part in order to improve more. This summer I have not been swimming, just cycling and I was adding some more strength training in my schedule (mainly core and arms).
I’m now in a rest week and finished SSB1 low volume. So from next week on I am starting SSB2 low volume. I am struggling a bit on how to add endurance to my schedule.
This summer this is what my trainerschedule looked like (in terms of hours and TSS).
SSB1 low volume:
Week 1:
TSS = 403 (high intensity workouts = 262 TSS)
Duration = 8:31
Week 2:
TSS = 462 (high intensity workouts = 280 TSS)
Duration = 10:01
Week 3:
TSS = 454 (high intensity workouts = 216 TSS)
Duration = 12:19
Week 4:
TSS = 563 (high intensity workouts = 339 TSS)
Duration = 13:52
Week 5:
TSS = 504 (high intensity workouts = 325 TSS)
Duration = 10:36
I just did what I felt like and thought adding endurance rides to my schedule would help in improving my FTP and base. I do feel like I have become better in the low Z2 rides (i.e. I can maintain a higher power output with a lower HR, however my FTP hasn’t improved if any at all over the summer).
Before summer my average TSS was about 250-400 and I was in the saddle not longer than 6:30 hours per week. It was usually around 5 hours per week.
I am struggling how to move on from now. I would like to add more volume to my plan, but I would like to do that in a consistent and safely manner (I noticed that my left knee was tired/a little bit painful just after finishing my workout. It is a good thing I guess then that I have a rest week now!
Do you guys have any suggestions? I have been looking on the internet, but I was thinking what about 400-500 TSS per week? In the TR app I came up with the following schedule:
Week 1:
Overall TSS = 400
TSS (high intensity) = 236
TSS (endurance, Z1/2) = 164
Duration = 8:45
Week 2:
Overall TSS = 413
TSS (high intensity) = 241
TSS (endurance, Z1/2) = 172
Duration = 9:00
Week 3:
Overall TSS = 432
TSS (high intensity) = 248
TSS (endurance, Z1/2) = 184
Duration = 9:30
Week 4:
Overall TSS = 463
TSS (high intensity) = 262
TSS (endurance, Z1/2) = 201
Duration = 10:15
Week 5:
Overall TSS = 479
TSS (high intensity) = 258
TSS (endurance, Z1/2) = 221
Duration = 11:00
The TSS of the intensity workouts is determined by TrainerRoad and the duration of the intensity sessions is 3:30 in total and for the endurance workouts, I searched for workouts in TR that were in line with getting a total of 400-500 TSS per week. Moreover, I increased the TSS of the endurance workouts with 5-10% each week.
Does this trainerschedule seem okay? Btw, I have one day of complete rest off the bike. I may do some easy swimming then.
When I get to the build phase, I guess it would make sense to decrease my volume a bit. Do you do that as well? And how should I do that? Should I decrease my endurance TSS with some percentage or my training hours?
And how do you do that with the specialty phase?
Thanks in advance!