I’m wanting to add a low intensity, endurance ride to my LV plan. I’ve not really got the time to commit to MV but 4 workouts is a good number for me. Can somebody recommend an actual trainer road workout that would suit this? Looking through the workouts it’s a bit of a mine field for me haha.
Give a man a workout, he’s fit for a day…
Teach him to search for workouts, he’s fit for a lifetime
Edit: I added a dedicated thread with the info I had added into a separate thread discussion a while back. This should be easier to find in the future.
Filter the workouts, so “Endurance” and then whatever duration you have time for. You should get a reasonable selection to choose from - selecting 1hr gives you 31 workouts for example. From those you get to choose between longer steady state workouts like Beech, those that continually vary like Baxter-1 or those that have “intervals” like Mont Albert.
Yes, I do that also. I add 20 minutes minimum to every workout and ratchet up the intensity to be whereever in Z2 I feel like. My LV plan turns into 9-10 hours per week with two added Z2 rides and the extended cooldown.
When I do this, I add the LV plan as Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Then I fill in Wednesday with the corresponding weeks ride from mid volume. It’s generally a Z2 ride.
Usually my Sunday is unstructured and outdoors but if I need to ride the trainer, I’ll refer to the Sunday ride from mid volume for that week.
Yeah I don’t have the time to commit to the MV but I can add one more ride easily, outdoors or indoors. But I’ll have a look at that taking the workout from a mid volume plan.