First of all, just a big kudos to all of you on the podcast. I love it; I binge it; and I often find myself laughing out loud with you in the car. It keeps me checked in and gives me mountains of motivation.
Right now I’m starting my sweet spot base phase II on a low volume plan. I’m doing some gym work with a trainer to build strength and all is well. However, I hate seeing those 1s on VO2m, Anaerobic and Sprint and I want to test myself in those zones. So I’m adding in a workout a week to hit those. You know, just for fun. I guess I could find out by seeing how it goes, but I wanted to ask how (or if) that will affect my plan. I’m pretty good at monitoring my fatigue and I never beat myself up if I just need to take a day off. Is there anything else I should be considering here?
For starters, they have a useful blog post that touches on the basics:
Thanks @mcneese.chad, that makes a lot of sense. However, my training (other than gym) is all lower intensity. I’m wanting to add intensity. I guess I can just see how I’m rating my workouts. If they go from “hard” to “all out” or fail, I’ll know I’m overdoing it.
Yeah, that blog is not a solution for everyone, but good food for thought in a broad sense.
You say “low intensity”, but the guts of SSB2 LV consist of 1 each VO2 Max, Threshold and Sweet Spot workouts. 2 of those are commonly considered “high intensity” while SS can go either way depending on the person and perspective. As such, it’s worthwhile to keep that in mind when adding other rides and/or workouts.
Oh, I didn’t see that. I assumed it was like the first one that is just sweet spot and threshold. I should probably think twice about this…
Yeah, no… SSB1 is the “easy entry” and SSB2 is a legit phase. It is nicknamed “Pre-Build” by many around here (including TR reps) because it’s a more substantial phase than SSB1. That’s why it pays to look at the finer details of the plan and actual workouts before adding workout.