For tonights workout the temperature is going to be 26C (~80F) and humid with thunderstorms rolling around.
For running, I have handy little guide which helps keep workouts equally taxing over as temperatures change (not that I always stick to it!):
| Temperature | Drop in Pace |
| 12.5 to 15.5C | 1%|
|15.5 to 18.3C | 3%|
|18.3 to 21.1C | 5%|
|21.1 to 23.9C | 7%|
|23.9 to 29.4C| 20%|
|Above 29.4C | Just for fun|
Does anyone any wisdom on adjusting workouts for heat and humidity? Tonight is only Kern -5 at 30 minutes, so ‘just doing it’, is doable, not sure I’d want to take on something more severe though.
For my last FTP test, it was a good 8C degrees cooler and good cooling is always empasised, especially when testing. However, I’m already running a powerful fan and don’t have AC. Im sure if I did an FTP next week I’d struggle to beat my last value even though I’m most likely fitter; the heat is going to have a big impact.
Makes me wonder if we need to define a normalised FTPn; done at sea level, at 16C!