Advice for taking a month off

So, as I guess happens to all of us, it looks like life is going to be getting in the way of my training plan and I’m looking for advice as to how best to deal with it.

I completed SSBMV1 the week before last and was due to start SSBMV2 last week. However, that didn’t end up happening and now I can’t see a way I’ll be back on the bike within the next 4 weeks leaving a potential 5 week gap between SSB1 and 2. My question is, would people carry on to SSB2, or is it wise to go back and repeat SSB1 after my break?

For context I’m a recreational rider with no event goals this year so there is no end date I’m working to in my training plan. My main goal is probably weight loss (which I’ll continue working to in the month off the bike) along with general fitness building.


  • Continue on to SSBMV2
  • Go back to SSBMV1

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If you don’t have target events, I think it ultimately doesn’t matter which way you choose. After all, the worst thing that can happen is that you underperform on SSBMV2 and decide to go back then. But by that same logic, there is also absolutely no reason to not start over and make sure you build the base according to the design of the plan if you don’t have an “end date” for the season. That’s why I lean towards going back to SSBMV1.

Another recreational (but competitive like you) rider here;
My suggestion is to look forward to your time off the bike and find other ways to make it fun. It’s a great time to work on any little muscle imbalances that might tend to hold you back. If you can join a gym and ride their bike once or twice a week it will help but not worth worrying about it it’s a big deal.
The other thing I would do is pick a faster group ride or charity event and make it your A event for 28 weeks ( or whatever it’s supposed to be) after you get back on the bike. Without some type of target it’s easy to get burned out.

With no specific event date, I’d redo ssb1 personally

Seems pretty conclusive advice! Thanks all!