Can you elaborate on what you dislike about the Corsa Speeds G2s? I’m not very sensitive to this sort of thing - with no cornering to consider I’ve only ever picked tires based on “does it feel fast”, “will it puncture”, and “will it be a giant pain in the ass to mount”. I’ve been happy with Corsa Speeds on all those marks, personally.
Everything I’ve read is that they’re faster than any other option besides the Pista Speed or new Veloflex Records, neither of which will last more than a few weeks on concrete.
I had the pista + (which I think we lighter). You mount one direction for smooth, the other for rough surfaces. The tires are halved down the middle with tread and smooth sides.
I rode them mostly at Lexus in Detroit. A few times at bloomer but they ultimately were for nats at ttown. They lived that full season and went to a new home still mounted.
A season is gonna vary but that’s the most you’ll see from them.
Don’t know about track, but should be good… Veloflex Record and Sprinters. The Sprinters would give a bit more life than the Record and are fast, light and supple. I used Sprinters on the road and they were great.