Using trainer road for cycling is the first time in my life I am doing structured training.
Minus the LIfetime Movie Events that got me to this point I have spent the last year and a half dropping weight and going from barely walking to in the lottery for Unbound 100.
For some strange reason despite getting into cycling and riding a fair amount outside I haven’t gone on a group ride and wasn’t able to enter any races in 2020.
While I will be doing as many as I can to develop skills over the spring and summer it is still three months away from the first race in my area. It is also tax season and my wife is an accountant so I will not get freedom to join any group rides on the weekends or afternoons until mid April as well.
I could use people to look at the imaginary numbers virtual power assigns to my efforts and tell me how well I am progressing. I really don’t have a basis for comparison. when I set up virtual power I matched the RPE for my FTP to be a about 10% lower ( Had to work harder for same numbers) than what Strava said was my FTP after testing on the road.
This has nothing to do with the numbers now matching what I can or can’t do it was just a starting place with an inaccurate data point for comparison. I understand Virtual power is not real power, I understand that indoor training is different than outdoor riding. I also haven’t been riding indoors long enough for there to be much data.
I am trying to make sure I am on the right track to hit my goals at the beginning. I would rather be called an idiot and learn the right way than waste time being ineffective.
Could you give me your opinion on a few things.
1). Am I following the plan correctly
2). Is the rate that I am progressing going to get me into the realm of being competitive by June?
3). Assuming that I can hold 20mph on the indoor trainer with the resistance set to feel like a 3% hill forever as long as I eat a very minor amount. How weak am I compared to others in my age group (40) and what level of increase in my strength and endurance should be my goal to aim at? i.e. You should be ashamed, work little man! Sounds like a hobbyist, If you train you won’t win but you won’t place lower than top 50. that sort of thing.
Just general Am I doing bad on following the plan.
Does it look like I can hit my goals progressing as I have been.
Should I make changes in what I am doing?
This is all entirely new to me so I don’t even know what I don’t know to ask about.
My email for a username on here and strava is rmcrow2@gmail.com and my info should be public.
I am asking this right after a workout so IF I am glycogen deprived stupid in my phrasing in this please forgive me.
Thank you