I am no longer seeing a recommended FTP after just completing a 6 week training plan. I have way more than 12 workouts done and in fact the last time I completed a 6 week plans TR did show me my new FTP. Why am I not seeing it now even though my next scheduled workout is this Monday? Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
Do you have a ramp test planned in calendar? AFAIK you need one planned to access the AI FTP feature/ button…
If not, best to contact support.
You also need to be within a certain number of hours of that ramp test. I can’t remember how many hours that is, though.
Oh, and you must be on the Career page.
I don’t think you have to be on the career page anymore. I believe it now shows in the calendar view.
I don’t think the hours matters but it has to be your next work out. I’m on a LV plan and when I’ve finished my last Endurance workout on a Thursday and my next ramp is due on the Tuesday, AI FTP D shows on the career page.
Ah, I’m behind the times again. Very on-brand for me.
It did last time for me, unless I imagined it, but it may have changed since then anyway.
Glad to see you got that new AI FTP Detection yesterday. let us know if you have any further questions.
And congrats on the FTP increase!
I had the same thing happen this past weekend. It eventually showed up Monday for a Tuesday ramp test. I had emailed support Sunday but they didn’t get to it until this morning after it had started working again. I assume some weird bug that they haven’t found yet
You should see AI FTP Detection options within 48hours of your Ramp Test being your next workout, but we are seeing that bug where that isn’t the case across all platforms. As a workaround until this is fixed on mobile, athletes can schedule a Ramp Test for today.
Regardless, you WILL see AI FTP Detection appear across all-platforms day-of at the latest. Until we get that issue resolve, if you dont see it as an option the day prior on every platform: don’t stress. You can still be confident that you will be able to use AI FTP Detection on the day of your Ramp Test.
Following up on this thread: this is resolved! Let us know if you’re still seeing issues and we’ll dig into it.
Hi @IvyAudrain would you possibly please be able to look at my account and see if it’s this bug, or the two week thing, affecting my ability to see/use AI-FTPD?
No problem!
AI FTP Detection was disable for you in the early access section of your account, so I enabled it and you should be able to see your AI FTP detection as an option when you open the ramp test in your app. Let me know if you see it there!
Still don’t see it .
I suspect there is something else going on as the data from TR to Garmin seems incomplete, or at least Garmin aren’t doing anything with it, and I can’t re-sync my rides from yesterday.
I don’t know if it’s all just a coincidence of course. I’m a bit stuck for how to resolve it though.
Dont worry, I’ll look into it and we’ll sort you out before your FTP Test (R.I.P. lol) tomorrow. Hold please!
UPDATE! You’re all set, this is just a case of not being able to see the option to ‘use AI FTP Detection’ until the day of your FTP assessment.
You can wait til tomorrow and you’ll see that option, or move the Ramp Test to today to see your result. Let me know if you have any further issues!
What Time Zone is AT running on?
Still nothing my end. I’ll give it another try later.
We released a fix where your timezone on your profile will prevent you from having that same day/next day issue, so if in the UK, and you have your Ramp Test tomorrow, you wont see the option until opening the app tomorrow.
I’m in New Zealand and it’s 10am on the same day as the rescheduled Ramp Test.
I guess it’s account specific. I have a support ticket open but not much movement so far unfortunately.
Thanks for your help! Sorry for wasting your time. Not sure what the next step is. Maybe an app update tonight?
Edit: I set the date of the test back to yesterday, and even though it was greyed out I was able to use AI-FTPD. Weird and not ideal but glad to have been able to use it. Still have the syncing issue but guessing it’s not entirely related l .
OPE apologies, I must have had multiple athlete accounts open and thought I saw UK, my bad.
NO!!! Never wasting my time, thats what Im here for!
Happy to help and glad to hear you were able to use AI FTP Detection, sorry it took some work to get there.
Also: congrats on your FTP increase.