All Time Personal Records

When viewing my personal records on TR, the “recent” PRs and “all time” PRs do not line up at all. In fact, it seems like the all time do not include the past year or so for me.

Example: a December 10min PR would have been my 3rd all time PR, but when I click on all time PRs it, nor any other recent (last 6 months), show up in this category.

Is there something I need to do to make the all time PRs include all PRs?

Hmm, that is really strange, they should all show up by default. It’s possible that you’ve stumbled into a bug.

I’d recommend reaching out to our Support Team at :+1:

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Sorry to dredge up an old thread, but it’s the only one on PRs that seems to match my situation. Basically, I don’t understand All Time PRs … on today’s ride I apparently got 17 All Time PRs. But my PR curve shows all points of my Ride curve below my All Time curve. The trophy icon below the power curve seems clickable (if I hover over it) but upon clicking nothing happens.
I must be missing something obvious? :thinking:

Edit: ah ok … if I zoom in and squint at the long end, I see some All Time PRs for duration >1h34min or so…would be easier if there was a way to highlight more clearly where the PRs actually are…


It seems like all the way at the right they converge. Was this your longest ride eve? If so… then you have a PR on times exceeding the previous rides. Stand on the end of the curve and it should tell you which ride is that PR, it should say today’s date and a delta of 0watts

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Wasn’t my longest ride ever, but you’re right the PRs were at the far long end. Seems to me there must be an easier way to highlight that…(doing another search, I see a bunch of enhancement requests for that).

It would be awesome if the parts that match and are PR would be a different color!

Yeah - or if the notification said “you have All Time PRs between duration A and duration B” and/or “you have All Time PRs at all durations greater than C”

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Our feature request to improve visibility of PR’s.


Am I correct in assuming where I match the power for a specific time zone that counts as a PR?? Just spent ages trying to find a PR only to see my 14s power has the same wattage as my best in 2020, with a green triangle, so that flags as a PR?

Not sure I agree that equal is a PR? Surely it should be greater than last year to trigger being a PR??

Just had this again, so opened a support ticket. I’m gettiing 73 PRs when all are basically the same, so not really PRs! See screenshot 0 watts different but a green up triangle so presumably flagged as a PR!

I’ve noticed this as well. Click on ‘View Details’ and go to the ‘All Time’ list. It should show your Zwift Racing League at the top above a previous effort.


I think yours is different as you did set a PR on Feb 9th by five watts? Whereas mine isn’t a PR at all.


Oh, that’s odd then. Must be a bug.

The screenshot appears to be showing PRs for 2021.

Correct, and no such PR exists in 2021, just “equals”, which isn’t a PR IMHO

Really wish the PRs were more specific.

PR 2021 x 101 doesn’t seem to tell me much when it can be hard to pick out the PRs on the curve and the PRs are all grouped in a small section of the curve.

Wish we could either drill down to see it better and/or set up PR markers for PRs over certain time increments (1 min, 3 min… etc),

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ok I’m a bit puzzled. Your first screenshot shows two lines:

  • red line for current workout
  • blue line for all power bests for 2021

The 2nd screenshot shows 2021 is defined as Jan 1 thru Dec 31 2021.

So this box:

is showing that current workout (red) is the power best at 15:40 for 2021. That makes it your power PR for 2021.

If you want to see All-Time power PRs then you need to change this:


to this:


Hope that helps. I don’t think there is a bug with TR analytics.

TR should do something like WKO:

dashed purple is current workout, (faint) dashed yellow is 90-day bests, and red is estimated PDC. You can clearly see this workout set 90-day power bests starting at 22:48. And I can change chart from 90-day comparison to any timeframe.


I concur with the above from @bbarrera

@kitenski note in the bottom left of your power profile screenshot there is a trophy symbol and “2021x73”

That means you’ve set 73 records in the 2021 season. Not 73 all time best powers.

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For reference, here is the power distribution from a race I did yesterday. Note the difference in the trophies in the bottom left