Android Phone more metrics than PC running Windows 10?

I was surprised the other day after I decided to just hook up my phone to Trainerroad and do a workout. It actually showed more info than the PC running Trainerroad.

From memory I can see a rolling TSS score and average watts for an interval which I am certain you can’t see on a PC…am I missing something?

Should be the other way round.

You’re right that the interval summary screen on the Android app currently shows a little more data than we show in the PC app. Don’t worry though, we’re planning an app revamp to make all four platforms the same across the board.


I have now changed my setup (moved a high table closer) and using my phone to do workouts…

only problem I have had was my phone went to the locked screen during Tallac 3 workout and I was in the fifth interval and just hanging on and refusing to look at the screen so when I looked and saw the lockscreen and put it back on the workout I had only done “1 minute” of that 15 minute interval when in reality I had completed around six minutes…I could have screamed!!!