🎉🎉🎉 Announcement: Personalized Custom Training Plans! 🎉🎉🎉

This is great in many ways, thanks for building! Really appreciate the 4 day option too.

I’m getting a bug where I specify all workouts to be outdoors, but the third workout of the week appears indoors and that cannot be changed in the edit drawer (the option for outdoor is greyed out and not possible to select). This has been happening consistently as I’ve tried building different length plans. At one point I think they seemed to convert to outdoor workouts on their own after a time, but as it’s not resolving on it’s own for my latest planning attempt, I’m not sure if that’s consistent. In any case seems to be a bug.

Hmm… I have a “B” race this weekend - maybe the same bug?

Did it fix itself or did you have to report it?

TL;DR: Custom Training Plans’ planning output varies by window length — shorter windows (1-2 months) lead me to consecutive Build phases, while longer ones (3+ months) follow the Base, Build, Specialty cycle. That raises questions about its optimization. I’d also like CTP to adapt outside of the B, B, S cycle when it better suits training goals, especially as a newer cyclist focused on building FTP without need for specialization.

Aside from the bug I mentioned in a previous post above, I’ve been testing plans with different durations. There’s a big change in how Custom Training Plans (CTP) directs training based on how long I ask it to plan ahead. If I keep planning for one or two months at a time, I end up with more back-to-back build phases. But if I plan for three months or more, I’m on the Base, Build, Specialty cycle.

To give some context, I’m currently completing a Build phase. Using the one and two month planning windows with CTP, I get more Build. If I give it three months, I get Base next. I don’t know enough about planning to know the best approach, but it seems like there are some big differences between the Base, Build, Specialty structure and the two different recommendations depending on how long I plan for. This makes it hard to say how CTP’s optimization is working overall.

Since I’m avoiding Specialty right now, I can use this to my advantage and plan in a way that works for me. But I’m curious about if the length of the planning window should be affecting the planning approach, and why it affects CTP’s optimization of the next steps in the training plan.

I’ve read that there will be some new functionality where AT will check in on training volume each month, and CTP will look at what the previous phasing was and keep going from there. Those two things sound like they might help address this - and ideally, we’d see the month-to-month vs. 3-month plus planning outputs converge. Will they?

Also, will CTP always adhere to the Base, Build, Specialty training cycles? I’ve heard and read on the forum and podcast that for someone starting out with cycling (like me) who’s not training for an event and is mainly focused on improving fitness and FTP, cycles of just Base & Build might be more useful. Will CTP be able to recognize that and adjust accordingly, or should I be building a plan manually?

As a new cyclist who’s getting a lot out structured training, this update is exactly what I hope for. I like to know that my training is being analyzed and the suggested plan ahead is tailored to my goals based on my commitment level (availability and training intensity). I’d also appreciate it if CTP/AT could explain why the choices and adaptations are being made so I can learn and trust that the optimization is happening in the way that aligns best with my intentions. I’m excited about any progress TR makes in this direction. Thanks for building something that feels like a great step forward. JT


Workflow suggestion: move naming the plan to the same screen with selecting Start Date. Right now having a step in the process to just give your plan a name seems like an unneeded step in the process. It would be smoother to ask me to name the plan at the same time I’m selecting a start date. Maybe even consolidate Goal into this one screen

My thinking is that both the name and the start date (plus Goal) are really about the Plan Overview / summary: what am I training for, when do I want to start training, how long do I want to train for, and how do I think of this plan (the name I’m giving it). Plus selecting all of these at the same time is more logical - at least for me - and I can see the key info on one screen.


Possible Bug: I created a test plan, and when I’m on the final “Overview” screen I see 5 phases indicated from the phase bars, but only 4 phases from phase description (e.g., Base Phase - Oct 1st)

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I don’t think this question has been asked, and excuse me if it’s silly, but I’ve converted my Saturday training session to a ‘Solo Ride’ and am wondering if on that day there is anything for me to load onto my headunit as I would do with an outdoor training session, or if I just go out and ride and TR will link that ride with the scheduled ‘Solo Ride’ automatically?

I did a live chat with TR

Cool update! Looking forward to (probably) using it, when I end the off-season late November.

As it ist, the custom Training Plans sometimes seem a little…strange though. E.g. if I want to do a 1 month endurance block, it still splits it into a base-build-specialty structure, for a week each. Is that intended?

Also, if I’m not training for any specific events or working on specific weaknesses, the suggestion used to be to skip specialty and just go base-build. The AI seems to cut short my base though, if I put in those parameters, and add more specialty. Is that specific to my recent work / phases?

Lastly, it would be great if there was an option to add specific durations for the days when selecting specific training phases instead of a AI generated plan. That is a really useful aspect of the newer UI and makes adding single training phases quite inconvenient, if it’s not there. Is that on the roadmap as well?

Another UI / UX suggestion: change the name of “Overview” in the Plan Builder workflow to be Review / Plan Review


  1. The button on the phase before “Overview” to move to the “Overview” phase says “Review Plan”, so renaming this to be “Review” would be consistent with this button
  2. From a workflow perspective, it feels like this last screen “Overview” is really asking me to review the proposed plan and either tweak it to add it to my calendar.
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We’ll link your ride with the scheduled Solo Ride automatically. You’ll see RPE/wattage targets (+ guidance on how to approach that ride) for the Solo Ride in the workout details on your TR calendar, but it won’t send a workout to your head unit unless you have a TR outside workout scheduled.

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Odd bug, I’ll take a look and bring this one to the team. Thanks!

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I just quickly had a go creating a training plan with the new system, and it seems promising. However, after choosing an aggressive approach, it recommended me 8 hours a week. I am currently doing more than 12 hours a week, so there might be a few issues here.


Thanks Ming, an update on this bug which gets a little weirder.

Came back to an open TR calendar window to see that those workouts had tuned green. However look at the weekly TSS totals in the screenshot below, they are more than double what they should be.

I refreshed (moved to career and back to calendar), and the TSS reset to the correct values and the third workout of the week went blue again (non-editable) like in my earlier post. Would this be CTP or the new calendar?

Additional situation that is not intuitive and may be a bug.

Created a plan, changed rides to outdoors, this is the result:

Changed the 1:00 endurance ride to 1:15, get an over training warning:

Return to the baseline recommendation, change the third HIIT workout from 0:45 to 1:00, no warning:

Adding 15 min to the HIIT workout would add more training load than adding 15 min to the endurance ride, but it seems cool with the former and throws the warning on the later.

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Looking good!
Question regarding ultra stuff. If I have a 24h race in the beginning of June 2025 and I set up the plan it says my long rides should be 1.5h-2h max. Even if I have set the race duration for 24h.That’s not realistic in any way.
I assume that at the moment the plan builder is not optimized for Ultra racing?

I noticed some weirdness:

  • The initial recommendation was 5 workouts/week, and Plan Builder suggested 3 hard 1-hour workouts, one 30-minute endurance ride and one 1:30-hour endurance ride.
  • I switched to 4 workouts/week with 3 hard workouts. Plan Builder now suggested 2 hard 1-hour workouts, 1 hard 1:15-hour workouts and one 45-minute endurance ride. When I raised the length of that endurance ride to 1:30 hours and lowered the duration of the third hard workout to 1 hour, Plan Builder gave me a warning, even though that is less than the previous recommended workout. What is going on here?

Have TR, in the desire to get rid of the Hi Volume plans just replaced it with everybody selecting Aggressive ? In order to get their plan to tally up with the number of hours that they ride ? (and is the new HV plan 8 hours ?)

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I tried the proposed Plan and got duplicates. Deleted the plan and re-did everythig and got duplicates.

Am I the only person wondering why this has been released with so many bugs and wasn’t offered as an “Early Access” option like the new calendar and new sport types has?


Loving the new update and the non race specific plans.

Below is the proposed plan for general fitness and aggressive setting. Quite like this plan but there are 2 potential modifications I would make: 1) remove the the wed easy ride of 30 mins (wouldn’t bother for such a short duration ride 2 ) Replace the sat 2 hour hard intervals with 3.5 hour group ride

When I update the 5 workouts to 4 workouts it removed my unwanted 30 min ride but revised down all other rides? Doesn’t really make sense as the obvious modification is just remove the 30 min ride and leave others?

When I edit the scheduled 2 hour hard sat interval ride (threshold) to a group ride for anything above 2 hours
it produces the warning. The logic would appear to be as basic as assigning equivalent effort of 2 hour threshold workout to 2 hour group ride? For me personally its the 2 hour interval session on a turbo which would contribute to greater levels of fatigue. I would equate 3 - 3.5 hour group ride to 2 hour threshold interval session. For both of the above I can just not do the 30 min wed ride and proceed with the group as it would be 50/50 in the winter as to whether I could get outside.