🎉🎉🎉 Announcement: Personalized Custom Training Plans! 🎉🎉🎉

Wow. A training plan that doesn’t taper is a major, major issue likely to negatively impact many people who have worked months and invested much in a training process.

It’s becoming apparent that companies are using the public to train products and ‘first mover disadvantage’ is very real. It seems that an individual simply cannot TRUST these services. In TR’s case, the forensics and causality is open, which is good. however the ‘black box’ set of rules, dependencies, conditional behaviours, states, etc make it very hard for a consumer to provide the REQUIRED layer of assessment and CORRECTION on what should be a reliable product. It’s almost as though what is missing is a coach. :thinking:

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He didn’t say it doesn’t taper. It just doesn’t show it right at the start. As the plan adapts, a taper will get built in/applied. At least that is the way I read @Nate_Pearson ’s response.


I would just follow the description and not obsess about the specific workout. But from my fiddling, raise FTP has more SS and threshold whereas the group ride is more vo2 and aenerobic. Don’t over complicate. I picked a 3 month “raise my FTP” and then will flip to a “ride fast group rides” after that. Why? Because I want to raise my FTP now and then focus on the local fast group rides. If I were planning a trip to the Alps, I’d pick the “climbing” option.


True, yes. It’s only the erosion of trust that’s the problem, which is … less of an issue?

This should have been a beta feature. Maybe it was too difficult to do so? Or maybe it was rushed out too early in an ‘emperor has no clothes’ situation. I really wonder whether a product manager thought before last week’s podcast: “This is ready for release”.

It’s a real issue that something so foundational has so many issues in its first days. I’m trying not to be demanding or aggressive (like the new plan options :stuck_out_tongue: ) but I’m not going to touch my existing plan as I’m in fear of introducing volatility into something which should be a solid foundation.


If I am doing high TSS group rides on Sundays, how should I take account of this? Should I take an endurance workout from the plan, move it to the sunday and extend its duration or set set an event or race in the calendar, is there difference in how TR uses these or takes account of them. I had expected the plan to adjust for addition high impact event/races but it doesn’t appear to do that, not sure where the AI is coming in.

Firstly, I really like the new personalisation options! I have been dreaming of a 4 day schedule since ever :joy:
I would also like to read more about the influence of the goal settings on the structure of the plans. Endurance and Fitness as well as Getting Faster and Increasing FTP sound pretty similar to me - I know from the old plans that this is not the case but at the same time: why did you change the naming then :wink:
So, please provide a blog article describing what kind of events or training goals you are actually having in mind, thanks.

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Change your Sunday ride to a Group Ride during Step 5, the Schedule part of the process.

Will AI change the workout type of planned hard days?

PB suggested 3 hard days for me (Tue, Thu, Sat). In base phase, the first two would be sweet spot, the third an (over-under) threshold workout. If I make the Sat workout a hard solo ride, the system still seems to give me two sweet spot workouts on Tue and Thu. Is AI going to change the workout type (sweet spot to threshold or VO2max) or keep the type and just adjust difficulty?

I have solved the “problem” by moving the Thursday workout to Saturday, so now I have:

Mon off
Tue sweet spot, 1h
Wed off
Thu threshold (all over-under as far as I can see), 1h
Fri off
Sat hard solo ride, 2h
Sun endurance, 1h

It would just be interesting to know if this kind of modification is necessary or if the system would change the workout type by itself if I “saturated” my sweet spot training.

Happy workouts!

For me at least there are too many degrees of freedom. I can select Training Approach and in addition I can select the number of Intensity Days per week (Masters). I would expect TR to just adapt the latter based on the selected training approach.

If I select a Conservative or Moderate, could it not just decide to give less intense days? I assume at the moment using the Conservative or Moderate it just dials down the intensity (IF) of those intense days?

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…and one more related question: The system scheduled a 2h 150TSS hard solo ride for today, I did 2:15 and 160TSS. Afterwards, the system cancelled tomorrow’s 1h endurance ride for a rest day. I would have expected it dialing down to a lower achievable level, but why schedule and then cancel? The ride was hard, but I felt pretty good.

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This was me 18 months ago when I started training with TR: I picked polarised base because it was the only 4-day plan available. But then I realised the sustained power build LV plan had no long endurance rides & I could just add one in. This was of course before the addition of masters variants.

Great work! Having the chance to choose how many days of intensity there should be and the overall volume is great.

I agree with the previous points that the plan overview at the last step was better before - now I have to accept the plan and look at the calendar what plan builder did, instead of seeing it right away. It lead me to do multiple rounds of having to build all over which is a defeating user experience.
For the general fitness options I would need to see how the chosen option affects the plan before I accept the plan in the calendar ! If it is individual, as you said above, it should be shown in the last step.

For my current use case: I did base I-III over summer coming back after a break. Now I thought to double down on base over the winter before I start a BBS cycle in Jan/february.
I played a lot with the different options but the only thing it gives me is build…

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Not sure if this is a plan issue or a calendar issue, so I will post it in both threads.

As you can see, the recommended adaptation for me for tomorrow is to a workout (Wagontire) that shows in the calendar as having 00:00:00 duration.


Yep, there’s some wack behaviour going on at the moment. I had today’s core workout listed as a ‘race’ in the Mac app, which would be interesting! :rofl:

+1 for a triathlon - multisport release


its actually 100.

Not sure if that is a reply to my post, but if so, what is actually 100?

It would be great if we could download the .fit file through the mobile app (assuming the mobile app calendar is what you are talking about). Right now without Apple Health integration I am importing .fit files through HealthFit. This gets all workouts data into Apple Health.

Of course you could solve this by syncing workout data directly to Apple Health :man_shrugging: :sunglasses:

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oh it was sass - it wasn’t a 00:00 ride it was a 1:00:00 ride… get it

Work around until there is true TR ↔ Apple Health: Sync TR → Garmin Connect → Apple Health. This isn’t perfect, but a workaround until we get a native TR solution