šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ Announcement: Personalized Custom Training Plans! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰

I want to be clear, the plan DOES taper as you approach your event.

Thereā€™s a display bug that doesnā€™t show it on the plan originally, but as you approach your event it shows on the calendar. Sorry that I wasnā€™t clear about that.


Man, you are brutal.

A very large team of talented and hard working people built and tested this.

This is the most complex area of our code, and we made some mistakes. None of us are happy about it and all of us want to make it better and improve.

All of those people I mentioned are working hard to fix it.

Weā€™ll get together afterwards and figure out what we did wrong, and how we can improve it so we do better next time.

Again, Iā€™m sorry about the bugs. There shouldnā€™t be so many. Weā€™ve already fixed a lot of them and will continue to fix them.


You went hard enough to trigger a red day. Red days have more to do with your recent training history rather than one particular day.

So although you might have just barely gone harder on that day, you might have done more (or maybe less long term) leading up to it.


We agree and will add it back.

In general we have two audiences:

  1. Forum athletes
  2. Non-forum athletes

Forum athletes are power users and wants lots of customization and ability to self coach/tweak.

The non-forum athlete is more using us as a coach where they are assigned a plan and they complete it.

We dropped putting the entire plan on the overview section because I was thinking of serving #2 and that group #1 could still look at it on the calendar.

I still wonder if requests will die down over time after they use this feature more, but nonetheless, weā€™re still going to add a sample back to that page.


Weā€™re looking into this now, sorry about that.

Yes, thatā€™s the real way to solve that. Sorry that isnā€™t done yet.

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oooo, like if you manually add a training block to your calendar through the training phase. I donā€™t think weā€™re going to add that in, itā€™s a little too niche and not the direction we want to go in.

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Polarized will get this update later. We need to finish fixing some current bugs first.

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Weā€™re going to have a whole new AT system coming out and I think youā€™ll be able to do this with it.


Hi Nate, thankyou for hearing the feedback. Yes it was direct. The sustained effort from the entire team is appreciated.


@Nate_Pearson just to give you some other feedback from a regular forum user (itā€™s becoming 6 years):

Iā€™m always happy to see new functionality and the :tada: :tada: form posts. Even if the new functionality has bugs and it needs a month or two to iron out the bugs. I just like to see new things TR :wink: .

Iā€™ll give my feedback and critique where needed (hopefully constructive) and really appreciate and enjoy seeing you on the forum since you are the only one speaking on TR vision and future functionality (per your own policy) and unfortunately itā€™s become a little rare seeing you here (except when new features are announced).

Donā€™t be too harsh on yourself, keep it up and Iā€™m looking forward to the day when there will be generated plans with max 1 day intensity per week and WLv2 will be releasedā€¦


This sounds cool!

Okay hereā€™s an idea if youā€™ll be so kind as to entertain it. :pray:
What if, in the interim, say an athleteā€™s circumstances change that day & they have more (or less) time to train. Next to, or under the load workout button, theyā€™re presented with a button to change the duration.
Some will use it to say, ā€œYo, TR! I have more time to train todayā€ then they select a duration, then AI looks at the next 14 days planned, finds the most suitable alternate for a different duration & presents it, or shows a RLGL forecast & says something like ā€œThe training load from this duration is expected to negatively impact your next n key workouts. We recommend the current duration, or shorter if possible. Are you sure you want to proceed with a longer workout?ā€
Or the athlete is saying ā€œHey TR, Iā€™m time-crunched today. Whatā€™s going to hit the same systems & give me the most bang for my buck?ā€
Takes the thinking out of selecting alternates for those unfamiliar with the purpose of that particular workout. Or for those who are unexpectedly time-crunched.
But please donā€™t take away the manual selection of alternates! :pray:

In my example below (yes I was naughty training on a red day yesterday :flushed: :laughing:), or in the situation of someone on a recovery week, it may also suggest something like ā€œHave a day off the bike today & use the time to get ahead on [insert randomly-selected cycling/health-related ancillary task here].ā€ Or not-so-random: if the athlete has repeatedly cited sleep in recent struggle surveys, it could tell them to nap, or to go to bed earlier tonight. :wink:

Thanks for sharing that @Nate_Pearson, thatā€™s awesome. It feels like a real next level for planning once itā€™s sorted. Itā€™s great to see the team is ambitious about building hard but super useful new features.

Iā€™d be curious to hear about planning window vs phasing as wellā€¦ currently depending on the window (1, 2, or 3+ months) I give CTP, the plan is either consecutive build phases (for 1 or 2 month plans), or a base, build, speciality cycle (for 3+ months). So very different training. Iā€™ve read a couple other comments above that sound related. When the dust settles on the launch, is the goal for the planning output converge on a ā€œtrue optimumā€ independently of the planning window? Meaning will the planning be able to be based only on training goal, previous training, and events if any, or will the planning window always fundamentally alter the planning & training approach? If so, might be helpful to have CTP provide some guidance on how to think about that when asking for the planning window. Thanks, JT

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I deleted the Plan and re-created. All good. The product is fantastic and ever improving.

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Iā€™ve lost track, a little, of issues that people have raised, which ones @Nate_Pearson has acknowledged as valid problems to be fixed vs. intended design, which ones may now have been fixed, which might still be outstandingā€¦

So, at risk of repeating aspects of my initial post on this thread regarding how CTP didnā€™t work how Iā€™d expect it might, Iā€™m going to re-describe what seems off when I use the new wizard:

1. The volume suggested doesnā€™t seem to take particularly good account of my history. This might be because it very heavily weights the immediate past vs. it ā€œzooming out a littleā€ and considering a longer timeframe:
eg. I did significant volume across the spring & summer - lots of double-digit to mid-teens hours/wk, 400-700 TSS/week, culminating in a cycling trip late August where I did 2x ~25 hrs/week, 700+ TSS.
That trip was largely easy riding (mainly v low intensity), but I still took a little time off after returning, and have just this week begun adding structure again.
Also, the plan I had CTP build is future-dated by a month (begins in early Nov), so thereā€™s not yet any actual activity data for it to see in the month prior to the planā€™s start date.
=> Do these two things explain why the volume suggested by CTP seem low, if I follow the recommended ā€œBalancedā€ approach?

For example, the following is what CTP spits out for me as a Masters plan under the 5 different Training Approaches:

    Aggressive:    6 days    8:00 hrs   395 TSS
    Demanding:     5 days    5:00 hrs   267 TSS
    Balanced:      5 days    5:00 hrs   267 TSS 
    Moderate:      5 days    5:00 hrs   267 TSS
    Conservative:  4 days    3:45 hrs   211 TSS

Also Note: each of Demanding / Balanced / Moderate all give the same result. Not sure if thatā€™s intentional? Definitely not intuitive.

2. The ā€œTraining Approachā€ and ā€œWorkouts per Weekā€ setting donā€™t seem to work independently, which is unexpected and limiting.

For example, building on what Iā€™ve shown above, if I opt for the ā€œConservativeā€ approachā€™s custom plan as a starting point (4 days, 3:45 hrs, 211 TSS), but then use Settings to change ā€œWorkouts per Weekā€ to 6, I get this:

     6 days    8:00 hrs   395 TSS

ā€¦which as you can see from the list above maps directly to the ā€œAggressiveā€ approachā€™s plan .

Or, if I go back and use the slider to actually opt for an ā€œAggressiveā€ approach as the starting point (6 days, 8:00 hrs, 395 TSS) but then use Settings to change ā€œWorkouts per Weekā€ to 4 (eg. Iā€™m requesting similar ā€œaggressiveā€ total volume/load but now spread over fewer days, ie. give me longer duration workouts!), I get this:

     4 days    3:45 hrs   211 TSS

ā€¦which as you can see from the list above maps directly to the ā€œConservativeā€ approachā€™s plan.

The upshot of this is that ā€œTraining Approachā€ and ā€œWorkouts per Weekā€ seemingly cannot be adjusted independently of each other, in the manner you might expect. Of course, you canā€™t really have a Conservative plan operating over 7 days, or an Aggressive one over 2 days, but thereā€™s a middle ground surely where thereā€™s some independence between these two settings?

For example, what I expected to be able to do was direct CTP to give me a reasonably aggressive plan comprising 4 workouts/week, ie. asking for longer workouts on those 4 days. But no matter the ā€œTraining Approachā€ starting point, as soon as I use Settings to change ā€œWorkouts per Weekā€ to 4, the plan I get is simply a Conservative plan equivalent (4 days 3:45 hrs 211 TSS).

Again, apologies if these issues have already been acknowledged and/or work is underway on them!


I assumed that training approach would be linked to ā€œramp rateā€ (and think that somewhere above there were hints given in that direction?). So in the following weeks youā€™d faster rise the progression levels.

Setting days should be independent of training approachā€¦adding more days should just spread the load and reduce intensity as necessary.

To me that would make most sense but your example (thanks for sharing) suggests my assumption might not be correct.

Would love to hear from TR what the exact and correct intended behavior would be (so we can better separate bugs from intentional behavior).


:person_raising_hand: Iā€™m one of those people who has been in a situation of having fewer available training days, but more time to train on those days. My solution was to sub for longer workouts at similar progression levels. And a lot of :brick: runs for joint integrity. (ā€œMight as well do a run too whilst Iā€™m all sweatyā€, etc.) It would be nice if the plan could take care of this multidimensionally: durations independent from number of days.

Thanks, when I select a 4 day week (from the recommended 5) I would have expected the other rides to have been unimpacted but it has actually revised down all remaining workouts rather than just remove one of the workouts or redistribute the TSS.

Might be intentional behaviour but does seem odd?

For now sticking with all recommendations as in no hurry to progress. Already my thursday 1 hour workout has been adapted to 1:15 based upon my first tuesday which seems promising and excited to see how the plan develops.


The issue where you were seeing your core workout as a race is now fixed! :tada:

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Nick, my abs thankyou :blush:

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