🎉🎉🎉 Announcement: Personalized Custom Training Plans! 🎉🎉🎉

Hey @rkoswald :slight_smile:

Great feedback! I’ll make sure to pass it along.

As of now, Polarized is in the works to be added to the new Plan Builder, but the other phases can be added individually or swapped in the apps.

I apologize if this has been answered - I tried reading through, but it’s a long thread already!

I’m not currently a user (have been in the past), and I’m wondering when it ingests all my data how it will determine my tss if I don’t have HR or power on a lot of my rides. I keep track of my TSS/CTL in intervals.icu by approximating my tss on rides when I don’t use a powermeter, so I have a good idea how much load I’m carrying.

My concern is that it won’t factor in my weekly load very well, and suggest a plan with too little load.

Hey @krg82 :slight_smile:

The Rolling Road Race is best for the most common climbing scenarios (shorter climbs). 30-90min climbs are a relative rarity. I guess in your case, you could see which of the two meets your needs better.

If your climbing involves long, sustained climbs, the Gran Fondo plan would likely be more beneficial. But if your climbs are short and punchy, with more variability, the Rolling Road Race plan would be better.

The Rolling Road Race targets:
Rolling roads make for highly variable races and rides, with repeated all-out attacks testing your fitness over punchy climbs. Sustained power and endurance are serious assets on this terrain, but the ability to respond to frequent surges and changes in pace is equally important. And in the end, success on rolling parcours demands a strong sprint, too.
The Rolling Road Race specialty plans are designed to address this diverse skillset, fine-tuning your sprint and anaerobic power, improving power and time at VO2 max, and maintaining your aerobic endurance.

The Gran Fondo targets:
For athletes who are targeting long gravel races, gran fondos, or spirited multi-hour group rides, the Gran Fondo plans are the ideal choice. These specialty blocks primarily focus on muscular endurance, equipping you to pedal powerfully for hours on end over widely-varied terrain. But they also include some higher-intensity VO2 max efforts, so you’ll have the fitness you need to stay at the front when the pace rises.


@Nate_Pearson @ming I’m excited to take advantage of this new functionality! looks great. However, I am really most interested in Full and Half IM Triathlon plans. I know the release mentioned they are not ready but was curious where they may be in the product roadmap. Not looking for dates etc. more of a high level:

Will be added sometime, About to start on that, Actively working on that, Soon to be internally tested level of information. It would be great if they are available for 2025 season!

Thanks for all the hard work.

With the new custom plans how do we change from Gran Fondo to Rolling Road Race? Or do we need to rebuild the plan for that to happen?

I think the question that has been asked a few times is how our choices during the plan builder selection effects the build/speciality phase. If we want to use the plan builder for time/day options but have a specific build/speciality we want to follow what do we do?

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I dont think you can select them specifically. But at least for me when I select “Improve Climbing” I will get the Rolling Road Race discipline. If I select “Increasing FTP” I get the Gran Fondo discipline. I think you need to edit the plan and change between those.

Base and build seems to be the same for those two options.

You can see what discipline it gives you on the career main page:

No - but there could be some sort of guide for when what is selected. Granted I know this is going to be a small number of users that wants to see this, but it would be nice.

Yep - just wondering how its determined without going back and editing it over and over.

Will the plans increase time (volume) over time or will they remain static unless I change it?
Will it recognize if I do longer rides than planned and adapt my times? Or, if I do longer rides and manually edit lengths of the workouts in the plan builder, will it recognize that or give me a warning?

I haven’t really trained in 4 months and my volume has been low, I know I can handle a certain amount of stress once I get back into the groove, slowly.


Just had a play with the feature :grin:

Maintain fitness, conservative = two hard bikes a week
Build ftp, balanced = three hard bikes a week

It knows me so well! :sweat_smile:

I’ve gone with maintain and it’s pretty tough stuff, not the easy endurance I was hoping for :grimacing:

from this thread:


If it aint broken…


Hey @OreoCookie! Thanks for bringing this up- we really appreciate it. That’s definitely confusing behaviour. This should be fixed now. Let us know if there is anything else!

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I don’t know that this is new behavior, but when you edit a plan after starting, such as changing the schedule of days or length of time on a given day, even though the start date of the plan remains the same, the purple plan start indicator box moves to the day you edited the plan. Seems to me like that should stay on the plan start date regardless of if you make changes to the schedule.


Hey @kelseyh! We have a bug report for this, so it’s on our radar. Thanks for bringing it up!


Just wondering about this still if any of the TR folks can chime in. Thanks!

I don’t see how we could expect them to analyze a workout with any accuracy without HR or Power data.


Agreed that it won’t be perfect, but giving a workout some value opposed to zero has to be a better path no?

I used power for most of this season up until the last 10 week or so. I did some quick math, and estimated for the files with power, I almost always do 56-60 tss per hour. I’ve been manually plugging estimated values in Intervals.icu to keep tabs on my CTL in those last 10 weeks - I know it’s not perfect, but shouldn’t be wildly out either.

Anyway, I was just curious if they applied any ‘credit’ to rides without power or HR. I certainly don’t expect TR to apply a formula.

Honestly, I’m not sure they would see it that way. It has no idea if you did an hour of Z1 or an hour of Ronnestat intervals. Remember that the next recommended ride is based on your ride history. If it guesses what your previous effort was, I could see that leading to terrible outcomes.


I think we need someone from TR to comment on if it takes into account any non-power/HR rides into training plans… It does say they “analyze your full training history”… it might at least factor into the durations they recommend.

I did think that non-power/HR stuff fed into RLGL in some way - certainly the website article says “all cycling and running activities” are considered with no reference to HR and power - but I am not completely sure, so would be good if someone from TR would confirm that… I guess it might be as simple as “you rode ten hours yesterday so probably take a rest day”…

You can estimate TSS with duration and intensity but I have no idea how TR might deal with that.


I’m more concerned if I were to sign up right now, and TR ingests all my data, it t would think I’m a beginner and put me on a low volume plan. I have power on my rides for most of the year, but not in the last couple of months.